Change to winter tires early and drive safely on winter roads

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  • Change to winter tires early and drive safely on winter roads

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October 31, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Tohoku Regional Head Office (Miyagino-ku, Sendai City) is preparing for winter tires on expressways in early winter so that people can change to winter tires early and drive safely on Expressway as the snow season approaches. We will inform you of the installation rate of tires for (Research value in 2020)
As of the first week of November, when the first snow of the year is observed, the winter tire installation rate in Tohoku as a whole is as low as 36%, and many accidents such as skidding on snow-covered roads at the beginning of the season tend to occur. Please replace your tires with winter tires and drive safely on winter roads.

1. 1. Changes in winter tire installation rates in the six prefectures of Tohoku

Nov Dec
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2
Tohoku 6 prefectures 36% 49% 66% 78% 92% 98%
  • The winter tire installation rate is a survey value from 2020.
  • For the winter tire installation rate in each prefecture, please refer to [Reference Material-1] [PDF: 230KB].

2. Request from Dr. Mammoshi

  • "Run on winter tires on winter roads"
    [Reference material-2] [PDF: 106KB]
    Driving on snowy roads with normal tires is extremely dangerous.
    Accidents are more likely to occur when it snows early in the season.
    Replacing your winter tires early will protect you and your loved ones.
  • "Drive slowly and safely on snowy roads"
    When driving on snowy roads at the beginning of the season, you may not have regained your sense of safe driving on snowy roads. , Do not make sudden turns or brakes, and drive slowly and safely.
  • ``Gather information frequently before and during your trip.''
    [Reference material-3] [PDF: 379KB]
    The weather on Expressway can change rapidly in winter, so please check road and weather information frequently before and during your trip.
An image of a poster to raise awareness of safe driving, ``-Be conscious of protecting your life-Never use normal tires on winter roads!''

In order to use the winter highway safely, securely and comfortably, NEXCO EAST enlightenment activities at SA, PA, IC, traffic safety campaign, "Drupa" HP 's winter highway We actively send out information such as lectures ".

  • Dr. Mammoshi: A researcher who specializes in car and snow road safety
Image of Dr. Mammoshi's winter Expressway course

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and transform toward a new future society", and is carrying out various initiatives.
We believe that this initiative to raise awareness about early installation of winter tires will contribute to SDG Goal 3 as a business activity that will lead to a reduction in casualties due to traffic accidents.

Image of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the 3rd SDGs logo
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