[E46] Akita Expressway (between Yuda IC and Yokote IC)
Implementation of traffic closure at night

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  • [E46] Akita Expressway (between Yuda IC and Yokote IC) Closed at night

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2019 February 18
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office Yokote Management Office

NEXCO EAST Yokote Administration Office (Akita Prefecture Yokote-shi) has two lane sections (one lane on one side) E46 Akita Expressway Between the Yuda Interchange (IC) and Yokote IC, the following night closures will be implemented for snow removal work and repair of damaged pavement.

This is necessary to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for Expressway. We will endeavor to minimize inconvenience to our customers, such as implementing traffic closures at night when traffic is decreasing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1 closed section

Akita Expressway between Yuda IC and Yokote IC (upper and lower lines)

2 Closed date and time

2019 February 19 (Tuesday), 20 am to the next six o'clock
* Depending on the work situation and the weather, the road may be closed.

3 detour

National Routes 107 and 13 Attachment-1 [PDF: 388KB]

4 Work content

  1. We will remove the snow that has accumulated on the slopes.
  2. Repairs damaged pavement.

Main work contents

We will carry out snow removal work to maintain a safe road environment.

<Snow removal situation on the side slope of H30 main line>

Image of snow removal on the slope beside the main line of H30 Image 1
Image of snow removal on the slope beside the main line of H30 Image 2

5 Regarding transfer fare adjustment due to suspension of traffic

Passengers who exit the Expressway due to suspension of traffic, bypass the section of suspension of traffic, and then transfer again in the same direction, will make "transit adjustment" to adjust the toll according to the segment used.
For details of the connection adjustment Attachment-2 [PDF: 101KB] Please refer to.

6 Information provision

Customer contact


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