
To celebrate the registration as a World Heritage Site, banners will be set up along Expressway.

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  • 祝・『佐渡島(さど)の金山』世界文化遺産登録

PDF version [PDF: 416KB]

July 30, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office

All of us at NEXCO EAST Group would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations on the decision to register the Sado Island Gold Mine as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office (Chuo-ku, Niigata City) has produced hanging banners, flags, and banners celebrating the registration of the site as a World Heritage Site. These will be installed at Expressway and overpasses on the expressway in the future to create a celebratory atmosphere for the registration of the Sado Island Gold Mine as a World Heritage Site.

1. Installation period


2. Installation location

  1. Hanging banner
    E8 Hokuriku Expressway Joetsu IC toll gate (entrance side of Expressway)
  2. のぼり旗
    E8北陸自動車道 新潟西IC、
    E49磐越自動車道 新潟中央IC、
    E7日本海東北自動車道 新潟亀田IC、各料金所付近
  3. Banner (overpass on Expressway)
    E17 Kan-Etsu Expressway Out-bound Osaki Overpass (Muikamachi IC to Yamato Smart IC)
    E8 Hokuriku Expressway Out-bound, Yoshiura Bridge (Nadachiyahama IC - Joetsu JCT)
Image of hanging banners, flags and banners


(懸垂幕:北陸道 上越IC)の写真
(懸垂幕:北陸道 上越IC)
(のぼり旗:日東道 新潟亀田IC)の写真
(のぼり旗:日東道 新潟亀田IC)
(横断幕:関越道 大崎跨道橋)の写真
(横断幕:関越道 大崎跨道橋)

3. NEXCO EAST 's efforts to foster momentum for World Heritage registration

NEXCO EAST Niigata Regional Head Office has supported efforts to have the "Sado Island Gold Mine" registered as a World Heritage Site through collaboration with Sado Island, such as: 1) selling value package deals for travel to Sado Island; 2) selling products exclusive to SA/PA that use salt from Sado; and 3) introducing tourist information about Sado Island in the web game "Echigo Road GO."
We will continue to promote business activities that lead to the promotion of sustainable tourism and the revitalization of local communities.

An example of the initiative


『ニイガタアゲアゲ のりピーナ』の販売



NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from fiscal 2021 to fiscal 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and transforming toward a new future society, and is undertaking various initiatives.
We believe that our current initiative celebrating the registration of "Sado Island's Gold Mine" as a World Cultural Heritage site will contribute to SDGs goals 8 and 17 as business activities that lead to the promotion of sustainable tourism and revitalization of local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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