Get on and off Expressway from the Tokyo metropolitan area to Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma prefectures for a fixed price!
We will be releasing the Dorawari "Ibaraki Hitachi Province Tour Set Plan," "Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan," and "Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan"!

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • 首都圏から茨城県・栃木県・群馬県の高速道路が定額で乗り降り自由!ドラ割「いばらき常陸国周遊セットプラン」、「栃木県周遊セットプラン」、「群馬県周遊セットプラン」を発売します!


東日本高速道路株式会社 関東支社

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) will be launching the "Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan," "Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan," and "Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan," which are ETC-only Expressway that can be used in combination with accommodation facilities in Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma prefectures (hereinafter referred to as the "Three Northern Kanto Prefectures") to allow unlimited use of expressways at a fixed fare.
These products are aimed at promoting tourism and Expressway use in the three northern Kanto prefectures, and will be available from Tuesday, October 1 2024 Please take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a great trip while experiencing the charms of each prefecture.

  • 令和6年9月25日訂正
    【誤】圏央道 坂戸IC~坂東IC、東北道 川口JCT~那須高原スマートIC、北関東道 足利IC~真岡IC
    【正】圏央道 坂戸IC~境古河IC、東北道 川口JCT~那須高原スマートIC、北関東道 足利IC~真岡IC

Product Summary

Product name

Unlimited boarding and disembarking within the Tokyo metropolitan area and Ibaraki Prefecture area
: Dorawari "Ibaraki Hitachi Province Tour Set Plan"

Image of the Dorawari "Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan"

Unlimited boarding and disembarking within the Tokyo metropolitan area and Tochigi Prefecture area
: Dorawari "Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan"

Image of Dorawari "Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan"

Unlimited boarding and disembarking within the Tokyo metropolitan area and Gunma prefecture area
: Dorawari "Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan"

Image of Dorawari "Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan"

usage period

All products:
Up to two consecutive days between 2024 and Monday, March 31, 2025
  • Excluding 2024 to Sunday, January 5th, 2025.
  • Applications will be accepted starting at 2 p.m. on 2024.

Sales price / target model

Product name Available days Standard-sized car Light vehicles, etc.
Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan 2 days 5,000 yen 4,000 yen
Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan 2 days 5,300 yen 4,200 yen
Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan 2 days 5,100 yen 4,100 yen
  • In addition to the Dorawari fee, you will need to pay additional fees such as accommodation fees at the accommodations that are covered by the set plan.

Target section

Gunma Prefecture Tour Set Plan

Image of Gunma Prefecture tour set plan

Tochigi Prefecture Tour Set Plan

Image of Tochigi Prefecture tour set plan

Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan

Image of the Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan

How to use

Must be used in conjunction with accommodations eligible for the bundle plan.

When making a reservation through "DraPla Travel"

  • Common to all plans
  1. 当社が運営する旅行予約・情報サイト「ドラぷらの旅」から、セットプランと宿泊施設を事前にお申し込みください。
  2. Please use Expressway with the ETC card and the car type you registered when you applied. Also, please use the accommodations you reserved in (1).

When making a reservation individually through a participating accommodation

  • Only for the "Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan"
  1. 「いばらき常陸国周遊セットプラン」の「茨城県内施設個別予約 対象施設・予約方法」に記載のあるセットプラン対象の宿泊施設をご予約ください。
  2. 宿泊施設のご予約とは別に、高速道路をご利用になる前までに、当社が運営する高速道路情報サイト「ドラぷら」から、「いばらき常陸国周遊セットプラン」をお申込みください。
  3. Please use Expressway with the ETC card and the car type you registered when you applied. Also, please use the accommodations you reserved in (1).
  4. Please present the "Set Plan Coupon" screen included in the application completion email for the "Ibaraki Hitachi Tour Set Plan" at the reception or front desk of the accommodation facility. On the "Set Plan Coupon" screen, enter the special code provided by the accommodation facility staff, and make sure to confirm that the screen has been used.
    Please note that if the "Set Plan Coupon" screen has not been marked as used, Expressway tolls will be charged at the regular toll rate.

Use privilege

  1. ETC Mileage Service Point Plus Campaign
    If you apply for and use the new Dorawari plan on weekdays only, we are currently running a campaign where you will receive additional ETC mileage points worth 15% of the Dorawari sales price. For details, please see the URL below.
  2. E-NEXCOポイントプレゼント
     今回発売するドラ割を「E-NEXCO pass」でご利用のお客さまには、通常のポイントに加えてE-NEXCOポイントを50Pプレゼントいたします。

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that the efforts to launch "Dora-wari" will contribute to the SDGs goals No. 8 and No. 17 as business activities that will lead to the promotion of sustainable tourism and the revitalization of local communities.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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