[C4] Ken-o Expressway and outer loop, between Satte IC and Daiei JCT
Nighttime road closure notice

~ Road repairs and inspections will be carried out, as well as construction work related to the widening of Ken-O Road four lanes ~

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • [C4] Notice of nighttime road closure on the inner and outer loop Ken-o Expressway between Satte IC and Daiei JCT

The latest regulatory information isDraTraPlease see.

PDF version【PDF: 1.2MB】

September 20 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kazo Management Office
Chiba Management Office
Yawara Management Office
Saitama Construction Office
Tsukuba Construction Office

NEXCO EAST Kazo Management Office (Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture), Chiba Management Office (Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture), Yawara Management Office (Tsukubamirai City, Ibaraki Prefecture), Saitama Construction Office (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture), and Tsukuba Construction Office (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture) will be repairing the road surface and repairing and inspecting road structures on the C4 Ken-o Expressway (hereinafter referred to as the "Ken-Ken-O Road") between the Satte Interchange (hereinafter referred to as the "IC") and Taiei Junction (hereinafter referred to as the "JCT"), as well as implementing night-time road closures to carry out construction work related to the widening to four lanes.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation in allowing yourself plenty of time when heading out.

1. Closed section and date and time

  1. Closed section Ken-O Road and outer loop, Satte IC to Daiei JCT
    Section Ⅰ①:
    Ushikuami IC to Daiei JCT
    Section Ⅰ②:
    Ushiku Ami IC-Kozaki IC
    Section II ①:
    Bando IC to Amihigashi IC
    Section II②:
    Joso IC to Ami Higashi IC
    Section III:
    Satte IC to Sakai-Furukawa IC
    Section IV:
    Tsukuba Ushiku IC to Ushiku Ami IC
  2. Image image of closed section
    • Attached to each line C4 The indications such as indicate the route number (numbering) of Expressway.
  3. Date and time
  4. Section Ⅰ① Ushiku-Ami IC - Daiei JCT
    Implementation Date:2024 Monday, October 21 - Tuesday, October 22
    Reserve date: 2024 October 23 (Wed.) - 28 (Mon.)
    Every night from 8pm to 5am the next morning
    *Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
    Section Ⅰ② Ushiku-Ami IC - Kanzaki IC
    Dates:2024 Wednesday, October 23 - Friday, October 25
    Reserve date: 2024 October 28 (Monday) - November 1 (Friday)
    Section Ⅱ① Bando IC - Ami Higashi IC
    Dates: 2024 Monday, November 11 - Wednesday, November 13
    Reserve Dates: 2024 Thursday, November 14 - Monday, November 18
    Section Ⅱ② Joso IC - Ami Higashi IC
    Implementation Date:2024 Thursday, November 14 - Friday, November 15
    Reserve date: 2024 Monday, November 18 - Friday, November 22
    Section III Satte IC - Sakai-Koga IC
    Dates: 2024 Monday, November 25 - Wednesday, November 27
    Reserve Dates: 2024 Thursday, November 28 - Monday, December 2
    Section IV Tsukuba-Ushiku IC - Ushiku-Ami IC
    Implementation Date:2024 Monday, December 9 - Friday, December 13
    Reserve date: 2024 Monday, December 16 - Friday, December 20
Image of date and time
Two-dimensional code image link to NEXCO EAST (Kanto Construction Regulations) X (formerly Twitter) (external link)
  • The rest facilities located in the closed sections of Section I①, Section I②, and Section II① will be closed as follows:
    Ken-O Road Bando Parking Area (hereinafter "PA"): Inner loop, Edosaki PA: Inner and outer loop, 7pm to 5am each day
  • In stormy weather, it will be postponed to the spare day.
  • The decision to proceed with construction will be announced on X (formerly Twitter) etc. around 5:00 pm on the same day.

2. Detour

For detours, please refer to the attached sheet below depending on the road closure sections I to III.

Detours will increase the time required, so please take time to go out.

3. Regarding transit adjustments due to suspension of traffic


Transfer IC


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (inner loop)
Daiei JCT ⇒ Ushiku Ami IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ushiku Ami IC ⇒ Daiei JCT
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ushiku Ami IC, Tsukuba Ushiku IC
  1. East Kanto Expressway... Higashi-Kanto Expressway
  2. Joban Expressway... Joban Expressway


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Kozaki IC ⇒ Ushiku Ami IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Kozaki IC, Shimofusa IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outside)
Ushiku Ami IC ⇒ Kozaki IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ushiku Ami IC, Tsukuba Ushiku IC


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner route)
Amitou IC ⇒ Bando IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Ami-higashi IC, Inashiki IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner)
Bando IC, Sakai-Koga IC, Goka IC
[Ken-O Road] (outer route)
Bando IC ⇒ Ami East IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outside)
Bando IC, Sakai-Koga IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ami-higashi IC, Inashiki IC, Inashiki-higashi IC


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner route)
Amihigashi IC ⇒ Joso IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Ami-higashi IC, Inashiki IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Joso IC, Bando IC, Sakai-Koga IC
[Ken-O Road] (outer route)
Joso IC ⇒ Ami East IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Joso IC, Bando IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ami-higashi IC, Inashiki IC, Inashiki-higashi IC


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Sakai Koga IC ⇒ Satte IC
[Ken-O Road] (Inner loop)
Sakai Koga IC, Bando IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer)
Satte IC ⇒ Sakai Koga IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Sakai Koga IC, Bando IC, Joso IC




Limited to ETC vehicles of all models (12m or less)


Limited to ETC vehicles of ordinary size and below


Closed place Outflow designation IC Re-inflow IC
[Ken-O Road] (inner loop)
Ushiku Ami IC ⇒ Tsukuba Ushiku IC
[Ken-O Road] (inner loop)
Ushiku Ami IC, Ami Higashi IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Tsukuba Ushiku IC ⇒ Ushiku Ami IC
[Ken-O Road] (Outer loop)
Ushiku Ami IC, Ami Higashi IC, Inashiki IC

How to use transit adjustment

ETC customers

  • For customers using ETC, please drive wirelessly at designated outflow ICs, and also wirelessly drive at re-inflow ICs. (Transfer certificates are not issued for ETC vehicles)
  • ETC time zone discount will be applied, considering the transited journey as one.
    Toll charges are adjusted at the time of billing, so they may differ from those displayed at the toll gate.
  • Insert the same ETC card for all journeys and pass through the ETC lane at the tollgate.

Customers such as cash

  • Customers paying with cash, etc. should receive a "transfer certificate" at the outflow designated IC, then take a "transit ticket" at the re-inflow IC, and then take the "transition certificate" at the toll booth where they pay the toll for the first time. Please hand over your ``book'' and ``traffic ticket.''

Common to ETC and cash customers

  • If the suspension of traffic is released after the outflow designated IC is released, the fare will be adjusted even if it is re-introduced from the IC (including the outflow designated IC) in the closed road section in the forward direction.

Four. Overview of construction etc.

 圏央道 内外回り 幸手IC~大栄JCT間において、路面の舗装補修や道路構造物の補修・点検のほか、4車線化に伴う工事を実施します。お客さまへ極力ご迷惑をおかけしないよう、交通量が少ない平日の夜間に通行止めを行い、工事等を集中的かつ効率的に実施します。安全・快適に高速道路をご利用いただくため、ご理解とご協力をお願いします。

  • 幸手IC~五霞IC間及びつくば牛久IC~牛久阿見IC間については、4車線化に伴う工事により車線運用切り替えが生じます。詳細は別紙-3【PDF:318KB】をご確認いただきますようお願いします。
Pavement repair work work status photo
Pavement repair work Work status caption image
Accident recovery work Photos of work status
Image of work status caption for accident restoration work
Road structure inspection work status photo
Image of road structure inspection work status caption

Five. How to obtain traffic information

(1) Guidance by distribution / posting

  • Notice signs, posters and leaflets will be posted at toll booths and rest facilities nearby.
  • A banner will be posted on the overpass on the Expressway.

(2) Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out

(3) Road traffic information available while using the Expressway

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The highway radio section is indicated by signs on the Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    We will inform you of road information in an easy-to-understand manner by the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.
  • VICS
    You can get road traffic information with VICS-compatible car navigation and other on-board devices.
  • Information is also distributed on official X (formerly Twitter) and LINE accounts.
    • [X (formerly Twitter)]
      "NEXCO EAST (Kanto)" ( @e_nexco_kanto )
      Real-time traffic information
      "NEXCO EAST (Kanto construction regulations)" ( @e_nexco_kanto_k )
      Judgment of implementation of construction regulations
    • [LINE]
      "NEXCO EAST" (@e-nexco)
      Road closures and weather information
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