We carry out autumn road safety campaign in Kanto area

~Let's eliminate wrong-way driving~ Driving the wrong way is a dangerous act that can be life-threatening!

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  • We carry out autumn road safety campaign in Kanto area

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September 13 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) will hold an "Autumn Traffic Safety Campaign" at service areas and other locations in its jurisdiction during the Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign period (2024 Saturday, September 21 through Monday, September 30) in cooperation with Expressway traffic police units, Expressway traffic safety councils and other related organizations.
During this Autumn Traffic Safety Campaign, educational booklets and other materials on traffic safety and driving manners will be distributed to customers using Expressway, and patrol cars and road patrol vehicles will be on display.

Road safety campaign overview

【Implementation period】
2024- Monday, September 30, 2020
Service areas and parking areas under the jurisdiction of NEXCO EAST Kanto Regional Head Office
  • 令和6年9月19日訂正
     別紙 アクアライン 海ほたるPA(実施日令和6年9月25日)、上信越道 東部湯の丸SA 上り線(実施日令和6年9月25日)、外環道 新倉PA(実施日令和6年9月25日)、東北道 那須高原SA 上り線(実施日令和6年9月26日)における「マナーティが参加するイベント」に関して変更となりましたので、お詫びして訂正いたします。
Image of patrol cars and other items on displayImage of caption for patrol cars and other exhibits
NEXCO東日本マナーアップキャラクター「マナーティ」の参加の写真Image of the caption for the participation of NEXCO EAST Manners Up Character "Manarty"Image of the caption for NEXCO EAST Manners Improvement Character "Manatee"
  • The content of implementation varies depending on each campaign.
    Please check the attached campaign content before you come.
  • Please note that the campaign may be canceled or the time may be changed at short notice due to weather conditions on the day.

Three important themes this time! !!

  1. Driving the wrong way is a dangerous act that can be life-threatening!
    Serious accidents caused by vehicles driving the wrong way have occurred. Please check again where wrong-way driving is likely to occur and what to do if you see a vehicle driving the wrong way.
  2. Be careful of rear-end collisions at the end of traffic jams!
    Please maintain a sufficient distance between vehicles and never drive while distracted.
  3. Prevent motorcycle accidents!
    Do not pass others, maintain a safe speed, and take regular breaks.


Serious accidents caused by vehicles driving the wrong way on Expressway have occurred. The probability of death in a wrong-way driving accident is approximately 15 times higher than the overall incidence of accidents on Expressway. Please review the locations where wrong-way driving is likely to occur and what to do if you see a vehicle driving the wrong way.

Here are some places where Expressway occurs:

Image of places where wrong Expressway occurs

Wrong-way driving occurs near interchanges, toll booths, service areas, and parking areas. In many cases, wrong-way driving begins with taking the wrong road, and is most common at junctions with main roads and at entrances and exits where Expressway and general roads connect.

 Expressway are one-way. Never make U-turns or back up. If you pass the intended interchange, continue driving and exit at the next interchange. At the interchange exit, please use the general lane and inform the toll booth staff before paying the toll.

If you see a car driving the wrong Expressway, check out the wrong way car information...

Vehicles driving the wrong way tend to drive in the overtaking lane. If you spot a vehicle driving the wrong way ahead, drive carefully to avoid a collision. Then, have a passenger call 110, the road emergency number (#9910), or an emergency phone number at the nearest service area, or notify a toll booth staff member.
When we receive a report of a wrong-way driver, we will immediately announce it on information boards and highway radio.


If you see or hear information about a vehicle driving in the wrong direction, please slow down and keep a sufficient distance between vehicles.


If you find a reverse vehicle ahead, drive with care to avoid a collision. Image image of


Please contact 110 from your passengers, the road emergency number (#9910), an emergency phone number at the nearest service area, or a toll booth staff member.





Unlike bicycles, motorcycles are easily affected by weather conditions such as rain and wind, and since there is nothing to protect you in the event of an accident, even a minor accident can lead to a serious accident. When riding a motorcycle on the Expressway, keep your speed moderate and keep a sufficient distance from other vehicles. Also, do not try to overtake on the shoulder of the road or by slipping through cars, as this is very dangerous. Furthermore, motorcycles are exposed to strong winds in the same position for long periods of time, so fatigue easily accumulates. Make a conscious effort to stop at service areas and parking areas and take regular breaks.

Image image for those who use motorcycles

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and transform toward a new future society", and is making various efforts.
We believe that this year's "Autumn Traffic Safety Campaign" will contribute to SDGs Goal 3 as a business activity that will lead to the reduction of casualties due to traffic fatalities.

Image of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the 3rd SDGs logo
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