[E4] Tohoku Expressway Up and Down Line Kuroiso PA Nighttime Closure Notice

6月5日(月)~7月13日(木) 各日夜20時から翌朝6時まで

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • [E4] Tohoku Expressway Up and Down Line Kuroiso PA Nighttime Closure Notice

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PDF version [PDF: 483KB]


 NEXCO東日本 那須管理事務所(栃木県那須郡那須町)では、E4東北自動車道(以下「東北道」)上下線 黒磯(くろいそ)パーキングエリア(以下「PA」)にて駐車場のバリアフリー化工事を行うため、夜間閉鎖を実施します。

1. 1. Closing location and date and time

  1. 閉鎖箇所:
    東北道 黒磯PA(上り線) 黒磯PA(下り線)
  2. Image of closed area
    • Attached to each line E4 The indications such as indicate the route number (numbering) of Expressway.
  3. Date and time
    Implementation date:
    Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
    Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
    Preparation day:
    Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
    Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
Image of date and time
Two-dimensional code image link to NEXCO EAST (Kanto construction regulations) twitter (external link)
  • In stormy weather, it will be postponed to the spare day.
  • We will inform you of the implementation decision on Twitter etc. around 17:00 on the day.
  • 工事実施日に黒磯PAをご利用のお客さまは20時までにPAから退出をお願いします。




3. Construction overview

 東北道 上下線 黒磯PAの駐車場において、駐車場と歩道との段差の解消(バリアフリー化)のため舗装工事を実施します。この工事は駐車場全体で行うため、工事実施にあたってPAを閉鎖して作業を行う必要があります。

黒磯PA 駐車場・歩道段差状況のイメージ画像 黒磯PA 駐車場・歩道段差状況のキャプションのイメージ画像
Photo of paving work progress Pavement construction Image image of the caption of the work status

Four. How to obtain traffic information

(1) Guidance by distribution / posting

  • Notice signs, posters and leaflets will be posted at toll booths and rest facilities nearby.
  • A banner will be posted on the overpass on the Expressway.

(2) Road traffic information that can be obtained before going out

(3) Road traffic information available while using the Expressway

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The highway radio section is indicated by signs on the Expressway.
  • Highway Information Terminal
    We will inform you of road information in an easy-to-understand manner by the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.
  • VICS
    You can get road traffic information with VICS-compatible car navigation and other on-board devices.
  • Information is also distributed on the official accounts of Twitter and LINE.
    "NEXCO EAST (Kanto)"
    (@e_nexco_kanto) real-time traffic information
    "NEXCO EAST (Kanto Construction Regulations)"
    (@e_nexco_kanto_k) Decision to implement construction regulations
    "NEXCO EAST" (@e-nexco) Road closures and weather information
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