Heavy rains and storms are forecast as typhoon No. 26 approaches

-Please check the latest traffic information before going out-

  • Corporate Top
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  • Press Release Kanto Regional Head Office
  • Heavy rains and storms are forecast as typhoon No. 26 approaches

October 15, 2013
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Kanto Regional Head Office

Due to the approach of Typhoon No. 26, heavy rain and storms are forecast from midnight to the morning of October 15, 2013 (Tuesday). Therefore, we ask for your understanding and cooperation as traffic may be restricted, including traffic closures, depending on the weather.

[About the use of Expressway]

  1. Please check the latest traffic information before going out.
    Such as congestion and important regulations Expressway road traffic information of NEXCO EAST road traffic information site "DraTra guide you in".
    [PC] http://www.drivetraffic.jp/
    [Mobile] http://m.drivetraffic.jp/
  2. Please be careful when riding as rain and cross winds will increase with typhoons.
  3. In the unlikely event of trouble such as a breakdown on the main line, call the Road Control Center using the emergency telephone installed every 1 km to prevent a second accident. Also, if you are using a mobile phone, you can use the road emergency dial ( #9910 ) Please call the Road Control Center.