Joint crackdown on vehicles violating vehicle restriction orders, etc.


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  • Press Room
  • Press Release Hokkaido office
  • Joint crackdown on vehicles violating vehicle restriction orders, etc.

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October 7 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office


1. 1. Implementation outline

(1) Implementation date 2024 10:30-12:00
(2) Implementation location E5 Hokkaido Expressway Tomakomai East IC
(3) Executing agency NEXCO東日本北海道支社
北海道警察本部 交通部高速道路交通警察隊
北海道運輸局 自動車技術安全部・札幌運輸支局・室蘭運輸支局
(4) Results of crackdown Number of pull-in 8 units
Breakdown 措置命令(車限令違反) 違反車両なし
警告(許可証不携帯) 違反車両なし
積載点検 6台

2. About our efforts to prevent vehicle limit violations


Image of general limit values

(Note 1)

If it is unavoidable to drive a vehicle that exceeds the general limit set by the Vehicle Limit Ordinance, a special vehicle passage permit must be obtained in advance from the road administrator.

(Note 2)

It is an organization consisting of road supervisors designated by the road administrator based on the Road Law, and has the authority to order the suspension of traffic of vehicles that violate the vehicle limit ordinance.

(Note 3)

This is a measure implemented by the three NEXCO companies for customers who use Expressway frequently, and by signing up for a large-volume/high-frequency discount contract, customers can receive discounts on tolls for Expressway managed by the three NEXCO companies.

-From the corps to truck drivers-


~Photo from the limited vehicle squad to all truck drivers~
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