To ensure safe traffic on Expressway in winter
Started 24-hour monitoring of weather and road conditions and countermeasures against snow and ice.

-Snow and ice countermeasures start-up ceremony held at 5 management offices on all roads-

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  • Started 24-hour monitoring of weather and road conditions and countermeasures against snow and ice to ensure safe traffic on Expressway in winter

PDF version [PDF: 483KB]

September 26 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City) From 2024 to Wednesday, April 30, 2025 of" Snow and Ice Seppyou We are positioning this as a "countermeasures period" and will work around the clock to monitor weather and road conditions and take measures against snow and ice in order to ensure safe transportation.
Ahead of the start of the snow and ice countermeasures period, we are praying for safe traffic on Expressway in winter and for the successful completion of snow and ice countermeasures work. The Snow and Ice Countermeasures Departure Ceremony (Safety Prayer Ceremony) will be held at five management offices across Hokkaido as follows (open to the press).
We ask that our customers please put on winter tires and other winter equipment early, and also understand and cooperate with work to combat snow and ice.

1. 1. Date and time of the snow and ice countermeasures departure ceremony (safety prayer festival)

Date and time place Number of participants / number of work vehicles Management office name
October 8th (Tuesday) 10:00-10:30 Doto Expressway Otofuke Obihiro IC Approximately 70 people and 25 cars Obihiro
October 8th (Tuesday) 11:00-11:30 Hokkaido Expressway Muroran IC About 70 people, about 30 cars Muroran
October 11th (Friday) 10:00-10:30 Hokkaido Expressway Kitahiroshima IC Approximately 100 people and 10 cars Kitahiroshima
October 11th (Friday) 10:00-10:30 Hokkaido Expressway Sapporo JCT Approximately 100 people/approximately 15 cars Sapporo
October 15th (Tuesday) 10:30-11:00 Hokkaido Expressway Asahikawa Takasu IC About 60 people, about 30 cars Asahikawa
  • In case of rain, it will be done in the garage.
Image of the departure ceremony (we perform a Shinto ritual to pray for no accidents)
State of the departure ceremony (We will perform a Shinto ritual wishing for no accidents)
Photograph of snow removal on the Expressway
Snow removal on the Expressway
  • If you would like to be interviewed, please contact each management office by the day before the interview date.
    On the day of the event, please come to the reception desk at the venue's management office at least 10 minutes before the start time.

2. Traffic accident and snowfall

On Hokkaido's Expressway, the number of traffic accidents caused by steering and braking errors is about four times higher in winter than in summer. Snow usually starts falling in early October, so please drive safely by slowing down and driving carefully, depending on the weather and road conditions, and by putting on winter tires and other winter gear early. When changing to winter tires, be sure to check that the nuts are not loose and check the air pressure of the replaced tires to prevent accidents involving wheels slipping off or tire bursts. The official NEXCO EAST YouTube channel (E-NEXCO driveplaza) also provides videos that teach you safe driving tips and how to respond in an emergency.
The average cumulative snowfall at each observation point on Hokkaido's Expressway last season (October 2023 to 2024) was approximately 423.0 cm. The point with the heaviest observed snowfall was the Tokiwa Tunnel on Do-O Expressway, with a cumulative snowfall of 826.1 cm. (Details: Appendix 1 [PDF: 437 KB])

Target period: May 2023 to April 2024 (based on our research)
Target period: May 2023 to April 2024 (according to our research)
Image of the traffic safety awareness video
Traffic safety awareness video

3. 3. Request for snow removal work

  1. Thank you for your cooperation in running the snowplow at low speed.

    Snow removal work will be carried out at a speed of 50km/h or less, with vehicle formations changed according to road conditions and weather. During snow removal work, overtaking snow removal vehicles is prohibited, so please slow down and keep a sufficient distance between your vehicle and the snow removal vehicle. For snow removal methods unique to Expressway, please see Appendix 2 [PDF: 460KB].

    Image image of snow removal by snow removal truck and sign car
    Image of snow removal by snow removal truck and sign car
  2. Please be careful when passing antifreeze spraying vehicles.

    If roads are predicted to freeze, antifreeze will be applied in advance.
    Please be careful when passing a work vehicle that is spraying as there is a risk that the anti-freeze may get sprayed on the vehicle.

    Image of antifreezing agent being sprayed
    State of spraying antifreeze
  3. Work may be carried out even on sunny days.
    Depending on road conditions, work such as snow removal, spraying deicing agent, and clearing snow from the shoulders of the road may be carried out.
    In addition, roads may be closed if they are deemed dangerous.
    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Four. We are distributing winter Expressway information on our official LINE account and Official X (formerly Twitter).

Official LINE account (@e-nexco)

Friend registration LINE two-dimensional code image link (external link)

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office
Official X (formerly Twitter) account (@e_nexco_kita)

Two-dimensional code image link to NEXCO EAST (Hokkaido) X (formerly Twitter) (external link)

NEXCO EAST Group positions the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period in which we will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and transform towards a new future society," and we are undertaking various initiatives.
We believe that this "Snow and Ice Departure Ceremony" will contribute to SDGs 3, 9, 11, and 13 as a business activity that will lead to the provision of safe, secure, and reliable Expressway.

Image of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the 3rd, 9th, 11th, and 13th SDGs logos
Image of the nearest interchange to the management office
Image link (external link) to download page of Adobe Acrobat Reader

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