An incident of wrong-way Sasson Expressway!
What you should know if you hear or see information about a vehicle driving the wrong way
Before a serious accident occurs... "Let's eliminate wrong-way driving"

~8月28日(水)10:30~11:30 札樽道 金山PA(上り線:小樽方面)

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Hokkaido office
  • An incident of wrong-way driving occurred on Sasson Expressway! What you should know if you hear or see information about a wrong-way driving vehicle Before it becomes a major accident... "Let's eliminate wrong-way driving"

PDF version [PDF: 419KB]

August 22 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

This is a request for caution from NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo).

1. This wrong-way driving incident

At around 3 p.m. on Friday, August 16th, a very dangerous and serious incident occurred on Sasson Expressway (In-bound: toward Otaru) where a minicar was driving in the wrong direction toward Sapporo. After entering the Zenibako Interchange, the vehicle turned around on the main line and drove in the wrong direction for about 15 km before being apprehended by the Hokkaido Prefectural Police (Expressway Traffic Police Unit).
The Hokkaido Prefectural Police have said that the driver of the vehicle that was traveling the wrong way was a man in his 80s.

[Reversing situation at Zenibako Interchange]


2. Implementing measures to prevent wrong-way driving

In areas near interchanges such as this one, in addition to warning signs, large arrow road markings are being installed, and at areas where the main Expressway merges, extended rubber poles and high-luminance arrow boards have been installed to strengthen measures to prevent U-turns at merging areas.

Photos of large arrow road markings and rubber pole extensions
Large arrow road markings, rubber pole extensions
High brightness arrow board photo
High brightness arrow board

3. If you spot a car going the wrong way while driving on Expressway


  1. 逆走車を見かけたら、110番、SAPAの休憩施設や料金所の係員、休憩施設にある非常電話のいずれかで通報をお願いします。携帯電話から通報いただく際は必ず同乗者の方からお願いします。NEXCO東日本で逆走車の通報を受けると「情報板」の点灯や、ハイウェイラジオで逆走車の情報を提供します。
    Image 1 of Caution: There are vehicles driving in the wrong direction ahead
    Image of a warning for wrong-way drivers
  2. 逆走車の情報を見聞きしましたら、速度を落とし、十分な車間距離を取って前方車両の動向に注意して走行してください。逆走車を前方に発見したときは、路肩等の安全な場所に停車し、衝突を避けてください。
    • 逆走車は、ご自分の車から見て追越車線を走行してくる傾向があります。
    Image 2 of "Caution: There are vehicles driving in the wrong direction ahead"
    Image of a wrong-way car
    Wrong-way vehicles tend to drive in the overtaking lane.

4. We are uploading videos that will help you deal with wrong-way driving in case of an emergency.

 もしもの時の逆走対策に役立つ動画『無くそう 逆走』を掲示しておりますので、是非こちらからご覧ください。

5. Emergency road safety campaign

In light of this case of wrong-way driving, we will be working with the Hokkaido Prefectural Police (Expressway Traffic Police Unit) at the Sasson Expressway (In-bound: towards Otaru) to raise awareness of wrong-way driving among customers using Expressway and encourage safe driving.

Date and time
札樽道 金山PA(上り線:小樽方面)
  • In case of stormy weather or an emergency event, it may be canceled or the contents may be changed.

NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as a period for contributing to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and transforming toward a new future society, and is carrying out various initiatives.
Regarding this "wrong-way driving incident," we believe that our business activities that lead to the provision of safe road spaces will contribute to SDGs goals 3 and 17.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
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