Expressway traffic conditions during the Obon festival (breaking news) [Hokkaido version]

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  • Expressway traffic conditions during the Obon festival (breaking news) [Hokkaido version]

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August 20 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo) has summarized the traffic situation in Hokkaido during the Bon vacation period [2024 August 8 (Thu.) to 2024 August 18 (Sun.): 11 days].

  • 平均日交通量は、昨年の同時期と比べ105%でした。
  • 1km以上の渋滞回数は22回となり、昨年の同時期と比べ+11回でした。
  • 10km以上の渋滞回数は2回となり、昨年の同時期と比べ+1回でした。
  • 最大の渋滞長は、
    8月13日(火)11時20分、E5道央道 札幌ジャンクション(JCT)→岩見沢インターチェンジ(IC)(下り・旭川方面)で事故及び交通集中が原因で発生した11.0km及び、
    8月14日(水)16時20分、E38道東道 トマムIC→むかわ穂別IC(上り・札幌方面)で通行止め解除後の交通集中が原因で発生した11.0km

1. 1. Comparison period

① 2024
[2024 August 8, 2020 -2024 August 18, 2020: 11 days]
② Reiwa 5
[Thursday, August 10, 2020 - Sunday, August 20, 2020: 11 days]

2. Average daily traffic volume *1

① Results 2024 ② Results for 2023 Comparison ① / ②
20,600 units/day 19,600 units/day 105%

3. 3. Congestion situation

① Results 2024 ② Results for 2023 Comparison ①-②
Over 1km of traffic 22 times 11 times +11 times
Congestion of 10 km or more Twice Once +1 time

※2 IC:インターチェンジ、JCT:ジャンクション、TN:トンネル


Congestion length Peak date and time Section (abbreviated IC) ※2 At the head of the traffic jam *2 Cause
1 11.0km August 13 (Tue) 11:20 E5道央道
Near Ebetsu East IC Accident and
Traffic concentration
1 11.0km Wednesday, August 14th, 16:20 E38 Doto Expressway
Tomamu → Mukawa Hobetsu (In-bound for Sapporo)
Near Hobetsu TN Due to a broken down vehicle
After the road closure was lifted
Traffic congestion
3 6.0km 8月12日(月)10時25分 E5A Sasson Expressway
Sapporo Kita→ Out-bound (Outbound/Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
4 4.9km August 17 (Sat) 15:20 E5道央道
Near Eniwa IC Due to an accident
Road closed
5 4.0km August 10 (Sat) 10:45 E5A Sasson Expressway
Sapporo Kita→ Out-bound (Outbound/Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
5 4.0km 8月11日(日)10時00分 E5A Sasson Expressway
Sapporo Kita→ Out-bound (Outbound/Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
5 4.0km 8月11日(日)10時45分 E5A後志道
天神大橋付近 Traffic concentration
5 4.0km 8月13日(火)13時45分 E5道央道
深川JCT手前付近 accident

[Reiwa 5th year]

Congestion length Peak date and time Section (abbreviated IC) ※2 At the head of the traffic jam *2 Cause
1 13.5km August 15 (Tue) 16:25 E38 Doto Expressway
Shimukappu → Mukawa Hobetsu (In-bound for Sapporo)
Near Hobetsu TN Due to accident
After the road closure was lifted
Traffic congestion
2 7.0km Friday, August 11, 11:40am E38 Doto Expressway
Oiwakecho → Mukawahobetsu (Out-bound /Obihiro direction)
Near Kaede TN Traffic concentration
And accident
3 5.0km August 12 (Sat) 12:25 E38 Doto Expressway
Shimukappu → Tomamu (Out-bound /Obihiro direction)
Near Tomamu IC Due to emergency construction
Road Closed
4 4.5km Friday, August 11, 10:40 E5A Sasson Expressway
Sapporo Kita→ Out-bound (Outbound/Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
5 4.0km August 13 (Sun) 9:55am E5A Sasson Expressway
Sapporo Kita→ Out-bound (Outbound/Sapporo JCT direction)
Near Fushiko IC Traffic concentration
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