Notice of nighttime closure and IC closure on Expressway in Hokkaido

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  • Notice of nighttime closure and IC closure on Expressway in Hokkaido

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August 2, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo City) will be operated from September to November 2024 (2024) by E5 Do-O Expressway (Hokkaido Expressway), E5A Sasson Expressway (Sapporo Road), and E5A Shiribeshi Expressway (SHIRIBESHI EXPRESSWAY) will close the road at night due to road surface repair work and lane division fence installation work, interchange (IC) closure, and Sapporo Junction (JCT) ramp closure. When you go out, please leave with plenty of time and use a detour.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation in the construction and work necessary to use Expressway safely and comfortably.

1. 1. Closed section and date and time

Road name section Regulation content Date and time Details
Hokkaido road Sapporo JCT Lamp closure
(From Asahikawa on the Hokkaido Expressway
Hokkaido Expressway (To Tomakomai direction)
Monday, September 2
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 1 [PDF: 1.1MB]
Lamp closure
(From Asahikawa on the Hokkaido Expressway
Sasson Expressway (towards Otaru)
Tuesday, September 3
10pm to 5am the next morning
Lamp closure
(From the Do-o Expressway, Tomakomai direction
Hokkaido Expressway (Asahikawa direction)
September 4th (Wednesday) - September 9th (Monday)
Every day from 10pm to 5am the next morning
Lamp closure
(From Otaru on the Sasson Expressway
Hokkaido Expressway (Asahikawa direction)
September 10th (Tuesday) - September 17th (Tuesday)
Every day from 10pm to 5am the next morning
Oyachi Oyachi IC IC closure
(Sapporo JCT direction, entrance)
September 18th (Wednesday) - September 19th (Thursday)
Every day from 10pm to 5am the next morning
IC closure
(Tomakomai direction/Exit)
Monday, September 30
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 2 [PDF: 2.0MB]
Sasson Expressway Kariki IC IC closure
(Exit for Sapporo JCT)
October 1st (Tuesday)
10pm to 5am
Fushiko Fushiko IC IC closed
(for Otaru, exit)
Wednesday, October 2
10pm to 5am
Shinkawa Shinkawa IC IC closed
(for Otaru, exit)
Tuesday, September 24
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 4 [PDF: 1.5MB]
October 3 (Thursday)
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 2 [PDF: 2.0MB]
Tuesday, November 12
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 4 [PDF: 1.5MB]
Sapporo North Sapporo Kita IC IC closed
(for Otaru, exit)
Friday, October 4
10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 2 [PDF: 2.0MB]
IC closure
(Exit for Sapporo JCT)
Monday, October 7
10pm to 5am the next morning
Teine Teine IC IC closed
(for Otaru, exit)
Tuesday, October 8
10pm to 5am the next morning
Asari Asari IC IC closure
(Exit for Sapporo)
Wednesday, October 9
10pm to 5am the next morning
(up and down lines)
September 26th (Thursday) - October 18th (Friday)
Every day from 10pm to 5am the next morning
Document 3 [PDF: 1.1MB]
  • None of these services are available on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays.
  • Due to stormy weather, it may be postponed to the spare day. Please check the leaflet for spare days and detours.

2. Main construction contents

  • Road surface repair work
    Repairs areas where cracks or steps are noticeable on the pavement surface.
  • ロードヒーティング補修工事
  • 車線区分柵設置工事
  • 国道5号 新川交差点 夜間通行止めに伴う新川IC閉鎖
    9月24日(火)および11月12日(火)に、新川IC出口の先、国道5号 新川交差点(小樽方面)にて、門型標識の撤去・再設置を行うため夜間通行止めとなります。通行止め中は新川ICからの流出も不可となるため、IC出口を閉鎖いたします。
Photo of road surface repair work example
Road surface repair work example
Photo of Shinkawa intersection on National Route 5 (towards Otaru)
National Route 5 Shinkawa Intersection (towards Otaru)

3. Information during the construction period

国道5号 新川交差点の工事については下記へお問い合わせください。
 国土交通省 北海道開発局 札幌開発建設部
 札幌道路事務所 電話 011-854-6111

Construction regulation information is provided in the following various media.

(1) Internet

  1. Road traffic information site "DraPla"
  2. Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC) "Road Traffic Information Now !!"
  3. Nationwide Expressway traffic information site "DraTra"

(2) SNS

X (formerly Twitter) official account “NEXCO EAST (Hokkaido)” @e_nexco_kita

(3) Information on distribution/postings

Post flyers and posters at nearby toll booths and rest facilities.

(4) Telephone

  1. NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間オペレーターが対応)
    ナビダイヤル 0570-024-024 
    または 03-5308-2424
  2. 日本道路交通情報センター(JARTIC)道路交通情報
    北海道地方高速情報 050-3369-6760 
    (携帯電話短縮ダイヤル #8011

(5) Road traffic information available while using the Expressway

  1. Road information board
  2. Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    Signs indicate where the highway radio is broadcast.
  3. VICS
    You can get road traffic information with a VICS-compatible car navigation system or other onboard device.
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