10 years since Otaru drunk driving hit-and-run incident

Raise awareness of zero drunk driving together with future road safety leaders!

-Three initiatives implemented in conjunction with the summer road safety campaign-

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  • Raise awareness of zero drunk driving together with future road safety leaders!

PDF version [PDF: 589KB]

July 3, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo) will be holding a summer road safety campaign from July 13th (Saturday) to July 22nd (Monday) to promote road safety to customers using the expressway by carrying out three initiatives: a social studies field trip and experience for Expressway school students, a quiz campaign on the Hokkaido Regional Head Office official account (formerly Twitter), and an awareness campaign at service areas (SA) and parking areas (PA).

1. Three initiatives Implementation details

(1) Nurturing future road safety leaders!

 Students from Kitahiroshima City Nishibu Elementary School promote zero drunk driving during a social studies field trip to Expressway!
(For details, see Appendix 1 [PDF: 88KB])

  • Date and time
  • place
NEXCO東日本北海道支社 道路管制センター
  • Content
  • If you wish to cover the event, please fill out the "Interview Application Form" in Appendix 1 [PDF: 88KB] and submit it by FAX.
  • In the event of bad weather or an emergency, only the tour of the Road Control Center will be available.
Image of a social studies field trip
Social studies field trip image

(2) The Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official X (formerly Twitter) is holding the "NEXCO EAST Summer Traffic Safety Quiz Campaign"!


NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official X (formerly Twitter) will be asking questions about Expressway traffic safety, such as the one on page 3, "2. Key Points of NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Summer Traffic Safety Campaign," and promoting traffic safety through social media.
In addition, 10 people who answer all questions correctly will receive "NEXCO EAST original goods" as a gift! We look forward to your participation!

Image of NEXCO EAST 's Summer Traffic Safety Quiz Campaign

(3) Traffic safety campaigns and street awareness at SA/PA and IC

During the period, a traffic safety campaign will be held at SAs/PAs and ICs in Hokkaido, and together with the etiquette character "Manatee", we will encourage customers using Expressway to drive safely.

  • In case of stormy weather or an emergency event, it may be canceled or the contents may be changed.
Date and time (July) place Implementation content
11th (Thu) 11:00-14:00 Hokkaido Expressway Watasu PA (upper) As per 2(1)
15th (Mon) 11:00-17:00 Hokkaido Expressway Sunagawa Service Area (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Tue) 10:00-11:00 Hokkaido Expressway Sapporo IC entrance street enlightenment
16th (Tue) 11:00-11:30 Hokkaido Expressway Usuzan SA (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Tue) 11:00-12:00 Doto Expressway Shimukappu PA (bottom) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Tue) 14:30-15:00 Hokkaido Expressway Yakumo PA (upper and lower) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
16th (Tue) 14:30-15:30 Doto Expressway Tokachiheigen Service Area (upper and lower) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
17th (Wed) 9:30-10:30 Hokkaido Expressway Asahikawa Takasu IC entrance street enlightenment
17th (Wed) 10:00-11:40 Hokkaido Expressway Kitahiroshima IC entrance street enlightenment
17th (Wed) 15:30-16:30 Hokkaido Expressway Iwamizawa Service Area (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
18th (Thu) 11:00-12:00 Sasson Expressway Kanayama PA (above) Novelty distribution and street enlightenment
Image of novelty distribution at SA / PA
Novelty distribution at SA/PA
Shake hands with Manati at SA/PA! Photo of
Shake hands with Manati at SA/PA!

2. Key points of NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office 's summer traffic safety campaign

  1. If you drink, don't drive, and if you drive, don't drink. Never drink and drive.
    On July 13, 2014, a hit-and-run incident occurred in Zenibako, Otaru, caused by drunk driving, taking three precious lives and leaving one person seriously injured. This year marks exactly 10 years since this tragic event. Hokkaido has enacted the "Hokkaido Ordinance for the Elimination of Drunk Driving," and has designated July 13, the day the incident occurred, as "Drunk Driving Elimination Day."
    Don't drink and drive, don't let others drink, don't tolerate it, and don't overlook it. This is true on both regular roads and Expressway. Each and every person's strong will will lead to the eradication of drunk driving. Not only for yourself, but for your family, friends, and everyone else, never drink and drive.
  2. Obey the speed limit and maintain an appropriate distance from other vehicles!
    The summer (July and August), when tourism demand is at its peak, is the busiest period of the year, and we expect an increase in tourists from outside Hokkaido and overseas who do not normally use Hokkaido's Expressway.
    By being mindful of basic points such as obeying speed limits and maintaining an appropriate distance between vehicles, you can significantly reduce the risk of a traffic accident!
    When using Expressway, please keep the above points in mind and enjoy Hokkaido's summer to the fullest!
  3. Take an early break before you feel tired!
    Many people are planning to go on a long drive during the summer holidays, but have you ever felt sleepy or tired while driving on Expressway? Continuing to drive in such a state could lead to a serious accident.
    When driving on Expressway, take frequent breaks at service areas and parking areas before you feel tired, not because you are tired!
  4. Seat belts and child seats must be worn in all seats, including the back seats.
    The fatality rate of those not wearing seat belts in traffic accidents on Expressway is about 17 times higher than those who do wear seat belts! (Research conducted by the Traffic Accident Comprehensive Analysis Center, a public interest foundation, in 2021)
    However, the seat belt wearing rate on Expressway is 99.6% for drivers and 78.7% for rear seats, which means the seat belt wearing rate in the rear seats is still lower than that in the driver's seat (according to a survey by the National Police Agency and JAF in 2023).
    To protect your loved ones and lives, please make sure to wear seat belts in all seats, including the driver's and passenger's seats, and make sure small children use child seats!

[Click here for road information before and during your trip! ]

  1. DraPla
    Click here to collect information on all Expressway.
  2. DraTra
    Click here for real-time road information. You can also watch live cameras.
  3. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official X (former Twitter) (@e_nexco_kita)
    Distributing traffic closure information and event information.
  4. NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official LINE
    You can receive road closure information and search for tolls and routes.
    NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office Official LINE 2D code image link (external link)
  5. HEARTFUL HIGHWAY ~ Everyone's Manners on Everyone's Highway ~
    We introduce our etiquette characters "Manatee" and "Squid Shark" and manners on Expressway.

The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that this "Traffic Safety Campaign" will contribute to the SDGs targets No. 3 and No. 17 as business activities that will lead to the reduction of casualties due to traffic accidents.

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 3rd and 17th logos
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