Joint crackdown on vehicles violating vehicle restriction orders, etc.

~Second time in history! Joint implementation by Hokkaido Police, Hokkaido Development Bureau, and Hokkaido Transport Bureau at high-speed IC
=Aiming to prevent accidents, road deterioration, and wheel derailments=

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Hokkaido office
  • Joint crackdown on vehicles violating vehicle restriction orders, etc.

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September 27, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo) will be held on Wednesday, September 27, E5 Do-O ExpresswayAt the Tomakomai Higashi Interchange (IC) in Hokkaido Expressway, the Hokkaido Police, the Hokkaido Development Bureau, and the Hokkaido Transport Bureau jointly conducted the following simultaneous crackdown on violations of the Road Traffic Act and vehicle restriction ordinances, as well as raising awareness of vehicle dewheeling, issued a measure order for one vehicle that violated the vehicle restriction order, and also warned one vehicle without a permit. In addition, 14 vehicles were pulled in to raise awareness of the prevention of dewheeling.
From the perspective of preventing traffic accidents and road maintenance, we have been cracking down on violating vehicles in cooperation with related organizations, but traffic accidents caused by falling loads from vehicles that are inappropriate for loading and damage to road surfaces and road structures caused by vehicles that violate weight restrictions are still major social problems.
In order to work together with related organizations to realize a safe and comfortable Expressway space, we hope to widely publicize this initiative and lead to the prevention and deterrence of violations.

1. 1. Implementation outline

(1) Implementation date Wednesday, September 27, 2020 10:30-12:00
(2) Implementation location E5 Hokkaido Expressway Tomakomai East IC
(3) Executing agency NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office
Hokkaido Police Headquarters Traffic Department Expressway Traffic Police Squad
Muroran Development and Construction Department, Hokkaido Development Bureau
Hokkaido Transport Bureau Automotive Technology and Safety Department
(4) Results of crackdown Number of pull-in 16 units
Breakdown Measures order (vehicle limit violation) 1 car
Warning (not carrying permit) 1 car
Loading inspection 14 cars
Image of (vehicle length/weight measurement)
(vehicle length/weight measurement)
Image of (loading method inspection)
(Loading method check)

2. About our efforts to prevent vehicle limit violations

In principle, it is prohibited for vehicles that violate the general limits for width, weight, length, and minimum turning radius set by the Vehicle Restriction Ordinance (Vehicle Restriction Ordinance), which is a government ordinance under the Road Act, to drive on roads. If a vehicle that violates the vehicle restriction ordinance (see the diagram on the right) drives on the road, it may lead to damage or deterioration of the road or the occurrence of a traffic accident. (Note 1)
In order to prevent these situations from jeopardizing the safety and security of customers while driving, NEXCO EAST has organized a "Vehicle Restriction Team" (Note 2), which regularly cracks down on vehicles that violate vehicle restrictions. . In addition, we will take measures such as suspending discounts for customers who have repeatedly violated the vehicle restriction ordinance and subscribed to the ``Large Purchase/Frequency Discount'' (Note 3).

Image of general limit values

(Note 1)

If it is unavoidable, you can drive a vehicle that exceeds the limit value of the vehicle limit ordinance by obtaining a special vehicle passage permit from the road administrator in advance.

(Note 2)

It is an organization consisting of road supervisors designated by the road administrator based on the Road Law, and has the authority to order the suspension of traffic of vehicles that violate the vehicle limit ordinance.

(Note 3)

This is a measure implemented by NEXCO3 for customers who frequently use Expressway By signing a large-lot / frequent discount contract, tolls on Expressway managed by NEXCO3 will be discounted.

-From the corps to truck drivers-

Thank you for your cooperation in the daily crackdown.
While asking about the situation from the drivers at the crackdown site, I feel that the recognition of "vehicle limit violation" is very low.
Violation of the vehicle restriction order is a very dangerous act that not only damages the road, but also threatens the safety of the driver himself.
Through crackdowns, we would like to raise awareness of the "Vehicle Limit Order" and continue to crack down so that it can be understood.
Thank you for your cooperation.

~Photo from the limited vehicle squad to all truck drivers~

NEXCO EAST Group positions the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period in which we will contribute to achieving the SDGs and transform towards a new future society," and we are undertaking various initiatives.
We believe that this "joint enforcement of vehicles violating vehicle restriction orders, etc." will contribute to SDG goals 9, 16, and 17 as a business activity that will lead to the provision of safe, secure, and reliable Expressway Masu.

Images of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and the logos for SDGs goals 9, 16, and 17
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