[E5A] Shiribeshi Expressway (between Yoichi IC and Otaru JCT) Opened at 15:00 on Saturday, December 8, 2018

~ Opening time has been decided ~

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  • [E5A] Shiribeshi Expressway (between Yoichi IC and Otaru JCT) Opened at 15:00 on Saturday, December 8, 2018

November 7, 2018
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo) will open on October 19, 2018, "E5A Shiribeshi Expressway (between Yoichi IC and Otaru JCT) will open on Saturday, December 8, 2018." Regarding the opening of the Shiribeshi Expressway, which has already been announced, it has been decided that it will open at 15:00 on Saturday, December 8, 2018, so we will inform you.

1 Opening date and time and section

[Opening date and time]

Saturday, December 8, 2018 15:00

[Open section]

E5A Shiribeshi Expressway (Shiribeshi SHIRIBESHI EXPRESSWAY)
Yoichi IC (Yoichi Cemetery, Yoichi, Hokkaido) -Otaru JCT (Shinkocho, Otaru, Hokkaido)

[Opening extension]


[Number of lanes]

Provisional 2 lanes

Image image of opening section position map

2 Price list

 Attachment 1 (Price list) [PDF: 320KB] As of

3 SHIRIBESHI EXPRESSWAY notice to customers that are available

(1) About use from Yoichi IC
When using from Yoichi IC, in order to get an appropriate fare according to the distance, at the Yoichi main line tollhouse Please pay the fare to Otaru Shioya IC in advance.

If you use a section ahead of Otaru Shioya IC, please pay the difference at the exit IC after subtracting the fee paid at the Yoichi main line toll gate from the charge of all sections.

Usage example: In the case of a regular car (normal charge)

  1. Use section: Yoichi IC ⇒ Otaru Shioya IC
    Charge of the section used: 400 yen
    Fee to be paid at Yoichi Main Line Toll Gate (entrance) (for Yoichi IC-Otaru Shioya IC): 400 yen
    Fees paid at Otaru Shioya IC (exit): 0 yen (400 yen-400 yen = 0 yen)
  2. Use section: Yoichi IC ⇒ Sapporo West IC
    Fee for all sectors used: JPY 1,310
    Fee to be paid at Yoichi Main Line Toll Gate (entrance) (for Yoichi IC-Otaru Shioya IC): 400 yen
    Fee to be paid at Sapporo Nishi IC (exit): 910 yen (1,310 yen-400 yen = 910 yen)

(2) About the use of Otaru JCT
 From the Sasson SHIRIBESHI EXPRESSWAY Otaru IC / Asari IC, you cannot enter the newly opened Shiribeshi Expressway.
It is possible to board the Sasson Expressway Otaru IC / Asari IC from Shiribeshi SHIRIBESHI EXPRESSWAY.

Image image of using Otaru JCT

4 Expected main opening effects

Attachment 2 [PDF: 3.8MB]

* Press announced on October 19, 2018, "The E5A Shiribeshi Expressway (between Yoichi IC and Otaru JCT) will open on Saturday, December 8, 2018" (repost)

  • Improving the safety of National Highway No. 5 and securing alternative routes
    It is expected to improve the driving safety of National Highway No. 5 and function as a wide-area evacuation route and emergency transportation road in the event of a tsunami disaster.
  • Securing an alternative route in the event of an eruption disaster
    In the event of an eruption disaster on Mt. Usu or Mt. Tarumae, which has a high risk of eruption, it is expected to function as a wide-area alternative route or evacuation route connecting the Central Hokkaido area and the Southern Hokkaido area.
  • Revitalization of tourism
    By shortening the time required from the Central Hokkaido area to the Shiribeshi area, accessibility to tourist destinations will improve, and it is expected that more tourists will be attracted.
  • Contributes to safe and secure living in the area
    By strengthening the emergency medical system in the Shiribeshi area by shortening the transportation time to the tertiary medical facility, it is expected to contribute to the safe and secure living of the area.
  • Improving the convenience of transporting agricultural and marine products
    By improving the speed and punctuality and stable transportation, it is expected that the sales channels of sea urchins and grapes, which are local specialties, will be Large and the transportation quality will be improved.
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