Notice of night traffic closure on Expressway in Hokkaido

-Road maintenance and repair work-

September 14, 2015
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

(Added on October 9, 2015)
Due to the effect of typhoons, we will change the schedule for the following roadblocks and IC closures.
  1. Do-O Expressway Toyoura IC ⇔ Date IC (both directions)
    Closed days are October 13th (Tuesday) and 14th (Wednesday) [2 nights]
    Extension of closed days until October 22 (Thursday)
    (Flyer-2 [PDF: 298KB]reference)
  2. Sasson Expressway Kariya IC [Exit from Otaru]
    Changed the closing date of Thursday, October 15 to Monday, October 26
    (Leaflet-4 [PDF: 175KB]reference)
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation.

At NEXCO East Japan Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo City), in order to provide customers with safe, secure, and comfortable use of the Expressway, regular inspections, cleaning work, and nighttime closures of face-to-face sections due to road surface repair work and The interchange (IC) will be closed at night.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1 closed section and period

Road name section period Attachment
Doto Expressway Yubari IC ⇔ Shimukappu IC
(Both directions)
September 28th (Mon)-October 1st (Thurs) [4 nights]
Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
Flyer-1 [PDF: 271KB]
Do-O Expressway Toyoura IC ⇔ Date IC
(Both directions)
September 28th (Mon) to October 5th (Mon)
[5 nights except Friday, Saturday and Sunday]
Every day from 20:00 to 6:00 the next morning
Flyer-2 [PDF: 298KB]
  • In case of bad weather, it will be postponed at the same time from the next day. (Except Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
  • Please see the attached leaflet for detours and spare days for postponement.

2 IC closure location and period

Road name section period Attachment
Sasson Expressway Shinkawa IC
[Exit from Asahikawa/Tomakomai area]
September 28th (Monday) to 30th (Wednesday)
[3 nights]
Every day from 22:00 to 6:00 the next morning
Flyer-3 [PDF: 115KB]
Do-O Expressway Kitago IC
[Entrance towards Tomakomai]
Tuesday, October 13 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Leaflet-4 [PDF: 175KB]
Sapporo JCT
[Connecting route from the direction of Tomakomai to Asahikawa]
Wednesday, October 14 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Leaflet-4 [PDF: 175KB]
Leaflet-5 [PDF: 131KB]
Sasson Expressway Karai IC
[Exit from Otaru]
Thursday, October 15 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Leaflet-4 [PDF: 175KB]
Sasson Expressway Zenai IC
[Entrance toward Otaru]
[Exit from Asahikawa/Tomakomai area]
Monday, October 19 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Leaflet-4 [PDF: 175KB]
Asari IC
[Entrance toward Otaru]
[Exit from Asahikawa/Tomakomai area]
Tuesday, October 20 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Otaru IC
[Exit to Route 5]
Wednesday, October 21 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
Do-O Expressway Eniwa IC
[Exit from Sapporo]
[Exit from Tomakomai area]
Thursday, October 22 [1 night]
From 22:00 to 4:00 the next morning
  • In case of bad weather, Shinkawa IC will postpone on the next day, and other ICs will postpone at the same time after Monday, October 26. (Except Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
  • For detours, please see the attached leaflet.

3 Information during the construction period

Construction regulation information is provided through the following media.

  1. the Internet
    • For the latest regulatory information, see DraTra "Please refer to the.
    • Drive traffic ] For the latest traffic information.
  2. Flyers, posters, highway information terminals
    Each service area / parking area of ​​toll roads, toll office office, NEXCO EAST Hokkaido branch office each management office etc. distributed and posted.
  3. phone
    • 『NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター』
      電話番号 0570-024-024 (PHS・IP電話のお客さま:03-5338-7524
    • 『ハイウェイテレホン』:リアルタイムの交通情報(5分更新)を24時間提供しています。
       (注) おかけ間違いのないようにご注意ください。
    • 『日本道路交通情報センター』:最新の交通情報を提供しています。
    • Road traffic information available while driving
      • Road information board
      • Highway radio (1620kHz)
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