About usage traffic status [breaking news] for one week after opening of the Do-O Expressway (between Onuma Park IC and Mori IC)
And about the usage traffic situation for about one year after the opening of the Do-O Expressway (between Mori IC and Ochibe IC)

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  • Press Release Hokkaido office
  • About use traffic situation [breaking] for one week after opening of Do-O Expressway (between Onuma Park IC and Mori IC) and about use of traffic situation for about one year after opening of Do-O Expressway (between Mori IC and Ochibe IC)

November 19, 2012
Hokkaido Development Bureau
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office

Do-O Expressway Onuma Park IC-Mori IC was opened on Saturday, November 10, 2012, and the Expressway in the Donan area further extended to the south. We would like to inform you that we have summarized the usage traffic situation for one week after opening.

In addition, we will inform you of the traffic situation for about one year after the opening between Mori IC and Ochibe IC which opened on Saturday, November 26, 2011.


1 Onuma Park IC-Mori IC (9.7km) Traffic status for one week after opening

Opening on November 10, 2012: The average daily traffic volume for one week after opening was approximately 3,000 vehicles/day.

2 Mori IC-Ochibe IC (20.2km) Traffic situation for one year after opening

Opening on November 26, 2011: The average daily traffic volume for about one year after opening was about 2,800 vehicles/day.

3 Voices of regions and users

We asked about the voices of the area immediately after the opening of Onuma Park IC-Mori IC.

  • Voice to realize the effect of opening
  • Expectations for regional promotion such as wide-area tourism as the Shinkansen is about to open
  • Voices expected to improve safety and security during emergency transportation and disasters
  • In addition, there were voices calling for the extension of the Expressway.

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