Do-O Expressway Onuma Park IC-Mori IC is open!

About "Onuma Park IC" opening ceremony

October 3, 2012
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Regional Head Office Muroran management office

Please be informed that the NEXCO EAST Muroran Management Office (Sakimori-cho, Muroran-shi) will hold the opening ceremony for the opening of the Interchange between the Onuma Park Interchange (IC) and the Mori IC on the Do-O Expressway as follows.

Regarding the opening ceremony Onuma Park IC Will be held at Mori Toll Office Please note that it will be done at.

1 Implementation date

Last year's opening of business Ceremony image image

Saturday, November 10 from 14:20 to 14:50

2 Implementation place

Onuma Park IC parking lot (200-7 Akaigawa, Mori-machi, Kayabe-gun)
Attachment [PDF:176KB] reference

3 Implementation details

At the start of business between Onuma Park IC and Mori IC, of the customers who use the Onuma Park IC entrance, the first 20 customers who waited for opening will be presented with souvenirs, etc.

(1) 1st car: Presenting the 1st certificate, souvenir, and bouquet
(2) Cars 2 to 20... Presenting certificates and souvenirs

4 Reception method

Reception date and time: Sunday, November 4th to Friday, November 9th from 9:00 to 17:00
Reception place: Mori Toll Office (317-90, Morimachi, Mori-machi, Kayabe-gun)
Attachment [PDF:176KB] reference
Reception method: Please tell the office that you want to wait for the opening and receive a numbered ticket.
*The reception will end as soon as 20 cars are reached.

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