Thanks to you, it's been one year since we started selling "Highway Meshi"! We've decided to hold a special campaign to celebrate your patronage!
東日本管内初 SA・PA周遊型謎解きイベント
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- 東日本管内初 SA・PA周遊型謎解きイベント『ハイウェイめしの秘密』を開催
December 16 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
NEXCO East Japan Area Tract Co., Ltd.
キャンペーンの一環で、東日本全域を対象としたSA・PA周遊型の謎解きイベント『ハイウェイめしの秘密』を令和6年12月25日(水)から令和7年3月31日(月)まで開催します。普段高速道路を利用されない方にも「ハイウェイめし」を知ってもらいたいと思い、「リアル脱出ゲーム」を企画運営する株式会社SCRAP(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表:加藤 隆生)とコラボした、管内87か所のサービスエリア・パーキングエリア(以下「SA・PA」)が対象の大型イベントです。
Ⅰ. "The Secret of Highway Meals"
1. Holding period
From 2024 to Monday, March 31, 2025
2. way to participate
- Once you register for the official LINE account, you can start solving the mystery! You can enjoy the first question at home.
- Once you've cleared the first question, head to the SA/PA that is included in the first part! You can get a special kit there.
- Once you've completed the first part, head to the SA/PA that is included in the second part and solve the mystery!
- Once you have solved all the mysteries, you will receive an original sticker at the information counter!
For more information, please check the event special website.
3. What you need
- Smartphone (LINE will be used.)
- Mystery solving kit (available at designated SA and PA)
- "Highway Meals" leaflet (distributed at applicable SA and PA)
4. Eligible SA/PA
NEXCO東日本管内のSA・PA 87ヵ所(別紙【PDF:278KB】のとおり)
5. Contact information for enquiries regarding solving the mystery
- Please note that it may take several days for us to respond if your inquiry falls on a weekend or public holiday, or depending on the content of your inquiry.
6. Notes
- Please refrain from solving puzzles while driving.
- The store staff do not know the content or answer of the mystery. Please check the hints for difficult content.
- Please refrain from posting any answers to the riddles on social media or blogs.
- In the unlikely event of an accident, injury, or damage to property occurring during the activity, the individual participant will be held responsible.
- Each SA/PA has different business hours. Please check DraPla for details.
II. "Highway Meal" Thanksgiving Festival
The "Eat and Win Campaign" is now on! If you eat "Highway Meals" you can win a luxurious prize every month! We've added a 500 yen digital shopping voucher that can be used at designated SA and PA to the prizes, so a total of 3,939 people will receive luxurious prizes.
1. Holding period
From 2024 to Monday, March 31, 2025
2. way to participate
3. Eligible SA/PA
"Highway Meshi" is sold at 126 SA and PA locations under the jurisdiction of NEXCO EAST
More information Special website Please check.
III. "Highway Meal" Special Award Ceremony
Since its launch on January 9 2024, the 122 "Highway Meals" series has been well received by many customers, and sales will end at the end of March 2025. Thank you for your many orders. If you have not yet tried the "Highway Meals" or would like to try them again before they are sold out, please stop by an SA or PA as soon as possible.
In addition, from among the total of 122 "Highway Meals," three special awards will be announced, including the most sold menu item from January 9, 2024 to November 30, 2024.
東北自動車道 上河内SA上り線(栃木県)
「那須三元豚の焼肉豚丼」 1,180円(税込)
北関東自動車道 太田強戸PA集約(群馬県)
「地元群馬のみそを隠し味に使ったソースカツ丼(ヒレ)」 1,150円(税込)
東北自動車道 蓮田SA下り線(埼玉県)
「彩食三昧 チーズとタルタルのカレーまぜうどん」 1,200円(税込)
- まんぷく旅のWEB記事はこちらからご確認ください。
- 「ハイウェイめし」とは?
北海道・東日本エリアのSA・PAから、地元食材をふんだんに使用したメニュー、その地域でおなじみのご当地メニューなど、各地域の特色を活かした店舗自慢のメニュー総勢122品のことです。 - 「ハイウェイめし甲子園」とは?
令和6年1月9日から3月10日に開催されたSA・PAで販売する各店舗自慢の「ハイウェイめし」の中から、みんなが食べたい「No.1ハイウェイめし」を決定したグルメコンテストのことです。 - SCRAPとは?
- 2004年に発表された「クリムゾンルーム」というネットの無料ゲームを発端に、爆発的に盛り上がった「脱出ゲーム」。そのフォーマットをそのままに現実世界に移し替えた大胆な遊びが「リアル脱出ゲーム」。マンションの1室や廃校、廃病院、そして東京ドームや六本木ヒルズなど、様々な場所で開催されている。07年に初開催して以降、現在までで1,090万人以上を動員している。日本のみならず上海、台湾、シンガポールやサンフランシスコなど全世界で参加者を興奮の渦に巻き込み、男女問わずあらゆる世代を取り込む、今大注目の体験型エンターテインメントである。※「リアル脱出ゲーム」は株式会社SCRAPの登録商標です。
NEXCO東日本 ハイウェイめしアンバサダー はっしー/橋本陽
Gourmet entertainer. Visited over 10,000 stores nationwide so far. In order to energize Japan through food, he also serves as a regional strength creation advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and a domestic food ambassador for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. His blog receives 2 million hits per month, and he is introduced on TV and in magazines as ``Japan's No. 1 Gourmet Blogger.'' He has over 280,000 followers on Instagram, which specializes in gourmet food.
At NEXCO EAST 's service areas and parking areas, we are currently running a promotion with the theme of "ENJOY! Yorimichi" so that customers can enjoy driving on Expressway even more.
When using Expressway, why not stop by the SA/PA and enjoy "highway food" that takes advantage of the characteristics of each region?
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