8月20日から2週間限定!「旅メシ ごはんのお供試食フェア」を
関越道Pasar三芳 (上り線)のアトリウムで開催!

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  • For two weeks only, starting August 20th, the "Travel Meals Rice Accompaniment Tasting Fair" will be held at the Atrium of Pasar Miyoshi on Kan-Etsu Expressway Expressway (In-bound)!

PDF version [PDF: 481KB]

ドラぷらイノベーションラボロゴ 旅メシロゴのイメージ画像

August 20 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
NEXCO East Japan Area Tract Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) and Liva Inc. (Meguro-ku, Tokyo) will Kan-Etsu Expressway demonstration experiment for the "Travel Meals Rice Accompaniment Tasting Fair" for two weeks from August 20th (Tuesday) to September 2nd (Monday) at the Atrium (multi-purpose event space) of Pasar Miyoshi (In-bound) on the E17 Kan'etsu Expressway. The fair will allow visitors to try rice accompaniments from all over Japan.

Images of the Liva Corporation logo and NEXCO EAST logo
旅メシ ごはんのお供試食フェアのイメージ画像

 「旅メシ ごはんのお供フェア」は、"ごはんのお供"をテーマにした全国各地の商品を試食体験できるフェアです。当フェアでは、ご飯にあうさまざまな商品の中からお好みのを商品を選び、炊き立てのご飯と一緒に試食を楽しんでいただくとともに、気に入った商品はその場で購入していただくことも可能です。

Fair Overview

  • Implementation period
  • Implementation location
関越自動車道 Pasar三芳(上り線)アトリウム
  • business hours
  • 入場料/体験料

Flow of the experience

Image of the experience flow

Products available (examples)

Photo of Shiso rolls (Tohoku Ichiba, Miyagi)
Shiso rolls (Miyagi: Tohoku Ichiba)
Image of the wood ear delicacy Tomannese (Miyagi: Ichiro)
Wood ear delicacy Tomannese (Miyagi: Ichiro)
特選メンマ 極み節(岩手:大門)の写真
特選メンマ 極み節(岩手:大門)

In addition, we have a selection of attractive products from various regions that fit the concept of "rice accompaniments."


<Liva, Inc.>

東京都目黒区自由が丘2−6−9 Luz自由が丘1F
Representative Director Keigo Nakamura
Business description
Sales consulting, food and beverage (tasting shop), food wholesale, athlete career support

What is DraPla Innovation Lab?

The aim of the lab is to further promote our open innovation and to test technologies and business models with companies that have new technologies and service ideas, with the aim of realizing next-generation Expressway services, revitalizing local areas, and creating businesses that solve social issues.
We have been connecting regions and supporting our customers' "safety, security, comfort, and convenience." In addition to this, we aim to provide "new value" in the transportation of people, goods, and events, and to operate sustainably.
We will continue to strengthen our efforts to create new value.


The NEXCO EAST Group has positioned the period from 2021 to 2025 as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms into a new future society," and is making various efforts.
We believe that this "DraPla Innovation Lab" initiative will contribute to the SDGs goals No. 8 and No. 17 as business activities that lead to co-creation and social implementation of new services and products with partner companies. ..

Image of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS logo and SDGs target 8th and 17th logos
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