『ドラぷらイノベーションラボ』 第Ⅳ期共創パートナー募集開始!

In addition to the four themes that broadly solicit new experiential value for Expressway, we are also soliciting three themes that aim for early solutions.

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Headquarters
  • Calling for co-creation partners for Phase IV of the "DraPla Innovation Lab" to create new Expressway services and solve local community issues!

PDF version [PDF: 933KB]


July 31, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) will begin recruiting partner companies for the fourth phase of its accelerator program "DraPla Innovation Lab" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) from August 1, 2024.

DraPla Innovation Lab E-NEXCO OPEN INNOVATION PROGRAM 2024 image

1. 1. Background of program implementation


2. Program contents

This program is a co-creation partner who has new technology and innovative business ideas and is enthusiastic about innovation for future Expressway services, and our Expressway, service areas and parking areas (hereinafter referred to as " , SA / PA), etc., while utilizing resources and verification budgets, etc., we aim to solve social issues and implement services and products that bring "new value" to the movement of people, goods, and things. ..

Image of program content

3. 3. Recruitment theme

In addition to the four themes from last year, this year's program has set three new themes that relate to issues that the company aims to solve quickly in light of the review of its medium-term management plan. In total, the program is looking for co-creation partners for seven themes in total.

Four themes inviting a wide range of ideas for new Expressway experience value

  1. 次世代に向けた高速道路事業のアップデート
    • 次世代高速道路(203X年)に向けた「安全・安心」の実現
    • Providing “Comfort and Convenience” through New Mobility Experiences
    • 高速道路の更なる利便性向上
  2. サービスエリア・パーキングエリアの更なる価値向上
    • Providing a new customer experience at SA/PA
    • Transforming SA/PA into a place where people gather
    • Creating a place to revitalize the local community
  3. 各種アセットを起点とした地域連携強化や新事業創出
    • SA・PAをハブとした地域活性化の推進
    • Creation of "Mobility Opportunities" and Provision of "Mobility Experiences"
    • New ways to utilize various asset data
  4. サステナブルな事業運営とSDGsへの貢献
    • カーボンニュートラル・脱炭素社会の実現
    • Realization of a sound material-cycle society
    • Stable provision of infrastructure functions

Three themes for which we are seeking proposals for early solutions

  1. 長距離ドローンを活用した道路管理業務の効率化・省力化
    • ドローンを活用した高速道路・橋梁の点検
  2. リアルタイムでの高速道路上の異常検知・アラート通知
    • リアルタイムな異常検知と対処の実現
  3. 構造物の点検業務・調書作成の効率化・自働化
    • テクノロジーによるインフラ管理の効率化・省人化

Four. schedule

This program will be implemented according to the following schedule.
As a result of verification in this program, we will consider making further investments for commercialization of initiatives that are judged to be of high value to continue.

August 1, 2024 Entry start
August 8, 2024 Program Information Session (Held online)
  • If you would like to participate in the program information session, please apply from the dedicated site for this program. You can apply for this program even if you do not participate.
September 5, 2024 Early application deadline
October 1, 2024 Final application deadline
October 18, 2024 (planned) Document screening / interview screening
November 2024 (planned) 審査結果通知/インキュベーション開始
January 2025 (planned) Publication of adopted projects
From February 2025 (planned) Demonstration experiment / PoC * implementation
  • PoC: Abbreviation for Proof of Concept. concept verification

Five. Qualification requirements

  • Being registered as a corporation (regardless of company size)
  • Have a product or technology

6. Application method

The "E-NEXCO OPEN INNOVATION PROGRAM 2024" will be published on the NEXCO EAST DraPla Innovation website. Please apply via the following URL.

7. 7. Questions and inquiries regarding this program

 ドラぷらイノベーションラボ事務局 i_lab@e-nexco.co.jp

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