Formulation of the "NEXCO EAST Group Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy"

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  • Formulation of the "NEXCO EAST Group Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy"

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July 31 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST has formulated the "NEXCO EAST Group Carbon Neutral Promotion Strategy" to promote sustainability management throughout the group and sustainably fulfill its mission of supporting society through Expressway, in order to promote the reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions throughout its supply chain.
NEXCO EAST Group will work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by streamlining road traffic through our Expressway business, while also minimizing energy consumption and promoting the creation and utilization of renewable energy. We will also take on the challenge of developing new technologies in collaboration with industry and other parties, in order to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050.


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