Details of the revision of Expressway discount

- Scheduled to begin operation around the end of fiscal year 2024 -

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July 12, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
West Nippon Expressway Company Limited

NEXCO EAST, NEXCO CENTRAL, and NEXCO WEST have announced their review policy for late-night discounts on Expressway in the "Review of late-night discounts on Expressway" (announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Expressway companies on January 20, 2023), and have been seeking opinions from the public in the "Request for opinions on the 'Draft measures to deter reckless driving in the review of late-night discounts on Expressway'" (announced by Expressway companies on November 7, 2023). They have also been coordinating with the national government and other relevant agencies.
Going forward, we will make the necessary preparations and submit an application to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to Article 3 of the Road Construction Special Measures Act. After receiving business permission, we plan to start operations around the end of fiscal year 2024 (※). However, prior to this, we will provide advance notice of how the discount amount will be calculated, etc.
This review is based on issues such as vehicles being stuck waiting to apply the current late-night discount, and will provide discounts on tolls for travel during discount hours and Large the hours during which discounts apply in order to reduce the burden on truck drivers.
In addition, as part of this review, the late-night discount will be changed to a discount system in which points will be credited back to the "ETC Mileage Service" or "ETC Corporate Card" at a later date.
Expressway company will continue to work towards a smooth start of operations.

  • 具体的な時期については改めてお知らせします。




  • 令和6年度末頃に運用開始予定
  • 割引の対象路線(現在から変更なし)


  • 割引見直しに伴うETC無線通信専用アンテナ等の通信記録を用いた割引計算の方法
  • 無謀な運転の抑止策として、割引適用時間帯の走行距離に上限距離を設定
  • 長距離利用の通行料金負担増や新たな交通集中を抑制することを目的とした激変緩和措置の実施
  • 後日還元型の割引制度への変更と利用するサービスに応じた還元例
  • 長距離逓減制の拡充




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