Efforts to Install EV Quick Chargers at Expressway SAs and PAs

- Plans are to add 129 outlets in fiscal 2023, and approximately 430 outlets in fiscal 2024 and 2025 -

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  • Efforts to Install EV Quick Chargers at Expressway SAs and PAs

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April 19, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Chief Executive Officer: Yuki Fumihiko), NEXCO CENTRAL (head office: Naka-ku, Nagoya; President and Chief Executive Officer CEO: Komuro Toshiji), and NEXCO WEST (head office: Kita-ku, Osaka; President and Chief Executive Officer: Maekawa Hidekazu) are working with charging companies to install rapid chargers for EVs and PHEVs *1 at service Expressway (SA) and parking areas (PA) on expressways.
We are now pleased to announce that we have compiled the maintenance results for fiscal year 2023 and the maintenance outlook for fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

<Number of EV quick chargers installed>
In fiscal 2023, an additional 129 units will be installed *, with plans to add approximately 430 units in fiscal 2024 and 2025.

  • The number of new chargers is in addition to the number of existing chargers that have been removed due to the installation of replacement chargers.

In FY2023, we will continue to install multi-connector type chargers (Photo 1) that allow multiple EVs and PHEVs to be charged simultaneously with one charger, as well as rapid chargers with a maximum output of 150kW per charger (Photo 2), and will have completed the installation of 129 rapid chargers at 52 SAs and PAs nationwide (see Tables 1 and 2 (Appendix 1 [PDF: 167KB])).
In FY2024, we plan to install an additional 250 quick chargers at 119 SA/PAs nationwide. In FY2025, we plan to continue installing an additional 190 quick chargers at 114 SA/PAs nationwide, and as announced at the end of FY2022 *2, we plan to significantly increase the number of quick charger ports to approximately 1,100 by the end of FY25. (See Tables 1 and 3 (Appendix 2 [PDF: 197KB]).)

For the construction, the three NEXCO companies will continue to work together with the charging companies that will be responsible for the construction to develop and Large rapid chargers at Expressway SAs and PAs, and strive to improve convenience for customers who use Expressway in EVs and PHEVs. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers using SAs and PAs during the construction period, and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Regarding EV quick chargers to be installed at SA/PA from 2026 onwards, we are currently making arrangements to open up a call for installers (charging businesses). Details regarding the call for applicants, such as the method, location, conditions and timing, will be announced at a later date after coordination with relevant organizations.

 また、2022年度末に発表※2しているとおり、高速道路の路外に整備されたEV急速充電器について料金調整※3によりご利用いただくことができる制度や新たな課金・決済の導入について、2024年度から順次実施できるよう検討を進めております。整備にあたっては、高速道路におけるEV急速充電器の空白区間※4の解消に取組むことも目的とし、空白区間から順次実施していく方針です。なお、2024年度は、C3東海環状自動車道 大野神戸おおのごうどIC~山県やまがたIC間の開通に合わせて生じるEV急速充電器の空白区間の対策として、大野神戸IC近傍の道の駅「パレットピアおおの」での導入に向けた制度及び機器の整備を進めてまいります。

Table 1: Construction results up to FY2023 and construction plans for FY2024 and FY2025 (number of additional outlets) *5

End of 2020
Maintenance status
End of 2021
Maintenance status
End of FY2022
Maintenance status
End of fiscal year 2023
Maintenance status
End of fiscal year 2024
Development outlook *6
End of fiscal year 2025
Development outlook *6
402 shares 429 shares
(+27 units)
(+82 outlets)
640 ports
(+248 outlets)
写真-1 マルチコネクタタイプ(6口)EV急速充電器(【E4】東北道 蓮田SA(上り線))の写真
写真-1 マルチコネクタタイプ(6口)EV急速充電器(【E1】名神 草津PA(下り線))の写真
Photo 1 Multi-connector type (6 ports) EV quick charger
(left: E4 Tohoku Expressway Hasuda SA (In-bound), right: E1 Meishin Kusatsu PA (Out-bound)
Photo 2. 150kW-class EV quick charger ([E1A] Isewan Expressway Wangan Nagashima PA (In-bound))
Photo 2 150kW class EV quick charger
(E1A Isewan Expressway Wangan Nagashima PA (In-bound)
  1. EV: electric vehicle, PHEV: plug-in hybrid vehicle
  2. The "Package for accelerating the development of electrified infrastructure on Expressway" (March 29, 2023: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and the press release "We will increase the number of EV quick chargers to approximately 1,100 by fiscal year 2025 - The number of charging ports will increase by approximately 2.7 times in the five years from the end of fiscal year 2020" (March 29, 2023: NEXCO EAST, NEXCO CENTRAL, NEXCO WEST, e-Mobility Power Co., Inc.) announced the future outlook for the development of EV quick chargers and the system for using EV quick chargers installed off Expressway
  3. For vehicles equipped with ETC 2.0, if the vehicle exits Expressway to use an off-street EV quick charger, and then re-enters Expressway within a specified time, the charge will be applied as if the vehicle had not exited Expressway
  4. The "Guidelines for Promoting the Development of Charging Infrastructure" (October 18, 2023: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) stipulate that EV quick chargers on Expressway should be deployed in a manner that does not limit users, taking into account the amount of charge that can be achieved in 30 minutes, including the use of EV chargers outside Expressway near interchanges, with intervals of no more than 70 km.
  5. The figures in parentheses are the increase from the end of the previous fiscal year.
  6. 2024年度以降の整備見通しにおける充電器設置箇所及び口数は現時点での見通しであり、今後具体的なレイアウト検討や設計・工事を進める中で増減することがある
    なお、C4首都圏中央連絡自動車道 坂東PA(外回り)は供用時期が未定のため、整備口数に含めていない
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