Efforts to expand parking spaces for large vehicles at rest facilities

~In FY2023, we plan to increase the number of large vehicles by about 630 units, and in FY2024 by about 560 units~

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  • Efforts to expand parking spaces for large vehicles at rest facilities

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April 2, 2024
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.

East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter NEXCO EAST), Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter NEXCO CENTRAL), and West Expressway Expressway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter NEXCO WEST) In response to congestion in car parking areas, efforts are being made to expand parking spaces for large vehicles.
We would like to inform you that we have compiled the expansion results for 2023 and the expansion schedule for 2024.

<Increased number of parking spaces>
In FY2023, the number of large vehicles will be increased by approximately 630 units, and in FY2024, the expansion is planned to be approximately 560 units.

  • Including dual-purpose mass and double linked track mass

1. Parking space expansion results in 2023 and plans for 2024

In fiscal 2023, we completed the expansion of approximately 630 large car spaces in 49 service areas (SA) and parking areas (PA) nationwide by redrawing existing areas from small car spaces to large vehicle spaces. .
In fiscal 2024, we plan to expand parking spaces for large vehicles by approximately 560 at 34 SA/PA locations nationwide. In addition to changing the squares, the expansion is also planned to involve large-scale earthworks and the relocation of existing facilities such as lighting and vacancy information boards. Please be aware that construction work to increase parking spaces may involve traffic restrictions. For the status of individual rest facilities, please check Table 1, Attachments 1 and 2, or each company's website.

Table-1 Parking space expansion results in 2023 and parking space expansion plans in 2024

FY2023 results: 49 locations
(Detail is Attachment-1 [PDF: 408KB])
Planned for 2024: 34 locations *3
(For details, see Appendix 2 [PDF: 313KB])
Before construction After construction Increase or decrease Before construction After construction Increase or decrease
Number of regular car squares (units) * 1 3,748
Number of large vehicle cells (units) * 2 2,245 2,870 +625 1,511 2,068 +557
NEXCO 3 companies total 5,993 6,065 +72 3,918 4,315 +397


: () Is the number of squares including the dual-purpose squares (counted as two ordinary cars per dual-purpose square)


: Number of large vehicle masses including dual-purpose masses (one dual-purpose mass is counted as one large vehicle)


:Due to the current plan, the location and number of squares upon completion may change.

NEXCO3 companies have continued to expand the number of parking spaces and change the layout of Expressway rest facility parking lots since fiscal 2018, and have so far added parking spaces for approximately 3,700 large vehicles. Due to Large of the EC (electronic commerce between individuals) market, diversification of needs, and increase in frequent and small-scale transportation, the volume of logistics transportation Expressway is increasing. The situation is such that congestion in the center has become apparent.
On the other hand, the space available for rest facilities is limited, and there is a limit to the measures that can be taken such as increasing the number of parking Expressway or changing the layout. ※Four In addition to expanding the number of parking spaces Expressway based on the development policy compiled in Three-dimensional structured, multi-column parking lot ※Five We will proceed with the introduction of (Figure 2, Photo 2).

Figure 1: Image of the area where a parking lot for large vehicles is planned to be developed in the future
Figure 1 Locations where large vehicle parking lots are planned to be developed in the future
Photo-1 Photo of the current temporary parking lot
Photo-1 Current temporary parking lot
  • The plan is to turn the site of the former Suzuka Main Line toll gate, which is currently being used as a temporary parking lot, into a rest facility exclusively for large vehicles.
Figure 2: Image of an example of a multi-column parking lot*6 overseas
Figure 2 Example of multi-column parking lot *6 overseas
Photo 2. Image of a multiple-row (column) parking lot overseas*7
Photo-2 Multi-column parking lot overseas *7


: Study group on improving the convenience of Expressway SA/PA


: (Public Finance) Expressway Cited from the 62nd Overseas Road Research Mission (ITS and Traffic Safety) of the Research Council of Japan (case study of multiple-parallel (column) parking).


:Germany (Montabaur) platoon parking lot


: Compact parking lot in Germany (Jura-West)

(Reference) Regarding multiple column parking lots
Since the SA/PA site is limited and there are limits to simply adding more parking spaces or changing the layout, we are considering maximizing and optimizing parking capacity by using multiple columns. The multiple parallel parking system (column system) is a parking system that has been used on the German Autobahn and elsewhere, and is designed to efficiently allocate parking spaces by providing parallel parking lanes for each departure time. is.
Parking control such as parallel parking is required at each departure time from a rest facility, and in Germany, parking tickets are issued (Figure 2) and departure times are displayed above the parking spaces (Photo 2). , controls are communicated to the driver.
NEXCO WEST is currently considering developing multiple column-type parking lots on the E2 Sanyo Expressway Sagawa SA (Out-bound).

2.Main initiatives in 2023

(1) Expansion of parking spaces for large vehicles [Example: Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound) Tohoku Expressway E4]

 At the E4 Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound), a shortage of parking spaces for large vehicles had become evident, especially during weekday nighttime hours. In light of the fact that large vehicles are more prevalent on weekdays and regular vehicles on weekends, we increased the number of parking spaces for both regular and large vehicles by 67, making the most of the limited parking space, and alleviating congestion in the large vehicle parking area.

Figure 3 Layout change status ([E4] Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound)) Image before expansion
Figure-3 Layout change status ([E4] Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound)) image after expansion
Figure-3 Layout change status (E4 Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound))
Figure 4 [E4] Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound) Image of the number of large vehicles parked by time zone and the number of available parking spaces on weekdays
Figure-4 E4 Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound) weekdays
Number of large vehicles parked by time of day and number of available parking spaces
*The number of large parking spaces is as of September 2019, before construction.
Photo-3 Photo of the situation after the layout change ([E4] Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound))
Photo-3 Situation after layout change (E4 Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (Out-bound))

(2) Large-scale change in rest facility layout due to site expansion [Example of E1A Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound)]

 E1A Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound) makes effective use of the existing site, widens the parking area, and adopts a V-shaped parking layout for large vehicle parking spaces, increasing the number of parking spaces for large vehicles to 91 spaces. This was added to alleviate congestion in large vehicle parking spaces. (Figures 5 to 7, Photo 4) In addition, in light of the fact that trailers are often used, we have added spaces where trailers can be parked.

Figure-5 Layout change status ([E1A] Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound)) image before expansion
Figure-5 Layout change status ([E1A] Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound)) Image after expansion
Figure-5 Layout change status (E1A Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound))
Figure 6 [E1A] Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound) Image of the number of large vehicles parked by time zone and the number of available parking spaces on weekdays
Figure-6 E1A Shin-Tomei Shimizu PA (In-bound) weekdays
Number of large vehicles parked by time of day and number of available parking spaces
*The number of large parking spaces is as of September 2019, before construction.
Figure-7 Image of the adoption of V-shaped parking layout
Figure-7 Image of adopting V-shaped parking layout
Photo 4. Photo of the widening of the large vehicle parking lot
Photo-4 Widening of large vehicle parking lot

(3) Development of double-connected truck parking spaces

Double-articulated trucks, which can transport the equivalent of two regular large trucks, began full-scale operation in January 2019 after the permit criteria for special vehicles were relaxed. Since the operation section was Large from E4 Tohoku Expressway to E3 Kyushu Expressway in August 2019, the number of double-articulated trucks permitted to pass through has increased. (Figure 8) In November 2022, the passage section was Large from approximately 2,050 km to approximately 5,140 km in response to the needs of logistics companies. In order to ensure rest opportunities for double-articulated trucks, the three NEXCO companies have been improving parking spaces, and 45 spaces have been added in FY2023. Please refer to Figure 9 and Appendix 3 [PDF: 2.0 MB] for the latest status of parking spaces for double-articulated trucks.

  • In Appendix 3, regarding the status of construction of double-articulated truck parking spaces, there was an error in the number of reserved parking spaces and the start date of the demonstration experiment at Nasu Kogen SA (In-bound) Tohoku Expressway, and this has been corrected.
    (Added on April 23, 2024)

(Incorrect) Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (upper) 1 vehicle (2023.3.19~)
(Correct) Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (In-bound) 3 vehicles (2024.3.19~)
In addition, a missing flag was shown at Makinohara SA on the Tomei Expressway in the diagram, so it has also been corrected.

Figure 8 Image of trends in the number of companies operating double-coupled trucks and the number of licensed vehicles
Figure 8 Trends in the number of companies operating double-consolidated trucks and the number of licensed vehicles
Figure-9 Image of the maintenance status of the double-connected truck parking space (the photo is [E41] Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Seki SA (In-bound))
Figure-9 Maintenance status of double-connected truck parking space
(Photo E41 Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Seki SA (In-bound))

(4) Provision of reserved parking spaces exclusively for double-articulated trucks

In order to ensure double-coupled truck drivers have a chance to take a break, NEXCO CENTRAL has reserved parking spaces exclusively for double-coupled trucks off the E69 Shin-Tomei Hamamatsu Inasa IC, as well as E1 Tomei Ashigara SA (In-bound) and E1A Shin-Tomei Shizuoka SA. (Upper and lower), E1A Shinmeishin Tsuchiyama SA (upper and lower) reserved parking spaces exclusively for double connected trucks (hereinafter referred to as reserved parking spaces) have been established and will be gradually operated from April 2021. In addition, NEXCO EAST has set up reserved parking spaces on the E4 Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (In-bound) and will begin operating them from March 19, 2024. (At E1 Tomei Toyohashi PA (Out-bound), some of the reserved parking spaces are currently being operated as reserved parking spaces for double-coupled trucks/oversized vehicles) (Photos 6 to 8, Figure 9)

Photo-6 [E1A] Image of Shin-Tomei Hamamatsu Inasa IC off-street parking lot
Photo-6 E1A Shin-Tomei Hamamatsu Inasa IC off-street parking lot
Photo-7 [E1] Image of Tomei Toyohashi PA (Out-bound)
Photo 7 E1 Tomei Toyohashi PA (Out-bound)
Photo-8 [E4] Image of Tohoku Expressway Nasu Kogen SA (In-bound)
Photo 8 Nasu Kogen SA (In-bound) on the E4 Tohoku Expressway
Figure 9. Image of reserved parking space location map
Figure-9 Reserved parking space location map

(Reference) How to use the parking reservation system

  1. Membership registration: Please register as a member (monitor registration) in advance.
  2. Reservations: Please make a reservation online 2 weeks to 3 hours in advance.
  3. Usage: At the reserved parking lot (on-site), the reserved vehicle will be identified using ETC2.0.
  • Depending on the status of the demonstration experiment, the reservation system (number of reserved parking spaces, reservation reception hours, maximum reservation time, applicable vehicle types, etc.) may be changed.

Parking reservation site monitor registration is available on the following website.

(For details on how to use the parking lot reservation site, please see the user guide at the top right of the screen at the URL above.)

E1 Tomei Toyohashi PA (Out-bound) Toll times and fee structure (as of the end of March 2024)

  • Please note that there is a charge for use of Toyohashi PA (Out-bound) only during certain hours at night.
[E1] Image of Tomei Toyohashi PA (Out-bound) toll hours and fee structure

(5) Start of demonstration experiment for short-term parking spaces

As part of efforts to improve convenience at SAs and PAs, in addition to expanding the number of large vehicle parking spaces, a demonstration experiment will be conducted from November 2023 to develop and operate some of the large vehicle parking spaces at 11 rest facilities as "short-term parking spaces" for parking for up to 60 minutes, with the aim of ensuring more opportunities for large vehicle drivers to take a rest (Figure 10).
This demonstration experiment aims to verify changes in rest opportunities, congestion conditions including surrounding rest facilities, and effective installation locations by installing "short-term parking bays" at rest facilities where many large vehicles are unable to park and leave SA/PA due to the presence of vehicles parked for long periods of time. In the future, based on the status of the current demonstration experiment, there are plans to Large the number of trial locations and parking bays.

Figure 10 Image of demonstration test locations for short-time limited parking spaces (11 locations, top and bottom)
NEXCO EAST jurisdiction:
E4 Tohoku Expressway Hasuda SA (In-bound), Kamikawachi Kamikawachi SA (In-bound), Adatara Adatara SA (Out-bound), Kunimi Kunimi SA (Out-bound)
NEXCO CENTRAL jurisdiction:
E1 Tomei Ashigara Ashigara SA (In-bound)
NEXCO WEST jurisdiction:
E2 Sanyo Expressway Fukuyama Fukuyama SA (Out-bound), Kibikibi SA (In-bound), Tatsunonishi Tatsunonishi SA (up and down)
E3 Kyushu Expressway Koga Koga SA (Out-bound),
E2A Chugoku Expressway Mito Mito SA (Out-bound)
Figure 10 Demonstration test locations for short-term parking spaces (11 locations, upper and lower)

Analysis of usage status from one day's worth of data shows that after the introduction of short-term parking spaces, the number of spaces used within 60 minutes increased by 68 spaces/day, and the total number of spaces used (turnover rate) increased by 1.1 spaces/space * Did. On the other hand, we are seeing a certain number of users using the service for more than 60 minutes, especially late at night. (Figure 11) Inappropriate use of a small number of vehicles makes it impossible to secure an appropriate resting environment for many drivers, so customers using short-term parking spaces should follow the information signs and road markings inside rest facilities. Please park your vehicle and depart within 60 minutes after parking.

[Reference] 63rd National Trunk Road Subcommittee of the Road Subcommittee of the Council for Social Infrastructure Development

[Reference 2] Quoted from the Expressway evolution project

Figure 11 Image of the usage status of short-term parking spaces before and after operation
Figure 11 Usage status of short-time limited parking spaces before and after operation
(Survey location: E1 Tomei Ashigara SA (In-bound) short-time limited parking space)

3. Parking area issues and requests

(1) Congestion of large vehicles at night on weekdays

Chronic congestion occurs in parking lots for large vehicles in SA/PA, especially at night on weekdays. At E1 Tomei Ebina SA (In-bound), the number of large vehicles parked exceeds the number of parking spaces from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day. (Figure 12) Of these, the number of vehicles parked for 8 hours or more is about 10% (7%) of the total, but the occupancy rate is about 60% (57%). is the main cause of congestion. (Figure 13) Similar trends can be seen in other SAs and PAs, where vehicles that cannot be parked in large vehicle parking spaces are parked in inappropriate locations such as aisles or regular vehicle parking spaces. Masu. (Photos 9 and 10) In order to accommodate many customers, please use the parking lot appropriately, such as by refraining from parking for long periods in the SA/PA areas.

Figure-12 [E1] Tomei Ebina SA (In-bound) Image of parking number of large vehicles by time of day
Figure 12 E1 Tomei Ebina SA (In-bound) Number of large vehicles parked by time of day
Figure-13 [E1] Tomei Ebina SA (In-bound) Image of large vehicle parking ratio and occupancy rate
Figure-13 E1 Tomei Ebina SA (In-bound) Large vehicle parking ratio and occupancy rate
Photo-9 Image of parking a regular car in a large car space
Photo 9 Parking of an ordinary car in a large vehicle space
Photo-10 Image of parking a large vehicle in a regular car space
Photo-10 Parking of large vehicles in regular car spaces

(2) Use of parking spaces by vehicle type

At SA/PAs, where there are variations in usage times (differences in peak usage) depending on the vehicle type (e.g., there are more large vehicles parked during weekday nights and more standard vehicles parked during the day on holidays), the installation of "dual-use spaces" that can be used by both standard and large vehicles is being promoted to make effective use of the limited space. (NEXCO CENTRAL indicates "dual-use spaces" with a blue line; Photo 11) However, there are still cases where these spaces are not functioning as intended.
When using the "combined spaces," please first give priority to the parking spaces for regular cars and large vehicles, and if both spaces are full, please use the "combined spaces." If there is one regular car parked in a "combined space," large vehicles will not be able to park there, so we ask for your cooperation in parking regular cars in parallel so that more customers can park. (Figure 14)
In addition, although the reserved parking spaces for double-articulated trucks are designed to ensure that parking can be done with prior reservation, there have been cases where reserved vehicles have been unable to use the spaces due to unreserved vehicles parking or illegal parking on the access roads, etc. (Photo 12).
As a countermeasure to the above issue, we have implemented measures to prevent illegal parking by installing colored pavement on the approach road (Photo 13). Please use the parking lot appropriately to ensure that you can use the reserved parking spaces.

Photo-11 Photo clearly indicating “multi-purpose squares” with blue lines
Photo 11: "Dual-use spaces" are indicated with blue lines
Figure 14 Image 1 of precautions to take when using dual-purpose squares
Large cars cannot be parked if one regular car is parked
Figure 14 Image image 2 of precautions when using dual-purpose squares
Please cooperate with parallel parking of ordinary cars so that more customers can park.
Figure 14: Precautions when using a multipurpose tank
Photo-12 An image of the parking situation of non-reserved vehicles in front of the reserved parking space
Photo 12. Unreserved vehicles parked in front of reserved parking spaces
Photo-13 Photo of countermeasures against illegal parking using colored pavement
Photo-13 Measures against illegal parking using colored pavement
(E1A Shin-Tomei Shizuoka SA (Out-bound))
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