Expressway traffic conditions during the year-end and New Year period (preliminary report) [national version]

2020 Sunday, January 3rd, 3rd year of Reiwa: 9 days
※ comparison last year of 2019 December 26 (Thursday) -2020, January 3 (Friday): 9 days

  • Corporate Top
  • Press Room
  • Press Release Headquarters
  • Expressway traffic conditions during the year-end and New Year period (preliminary report) [national version]

January 4, 3rd year of Reiwa
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Nippon Expressway Company Limited
West Nippon Expressway Company Limited
Honshu-Shikoku Expressway Co., Ltd.

  • Average daily traffic during the year-end and New Year holidays decreased to 65% compared to the same period last year
    (Compared to the same period last year, compact cars decreased to 63%, large vehicles decreased to 75%)
  • The number of traffic jams over 10km decreased to 27% compared to the same period last year, and there were no traffic jams over 30km.
    Compared to last year, there was no noticeable peak of traffic congestion by In-bound, Out-bound

1. Traffic volume

Main sections of Expressway nationwide (simple average of 40 sections)

2020 of experience ([1]) 2019 degree track record ([2]) Contrast [1] / [2]
Average daily traffic (all cars) 24,500 units / day 37,700 units / day 65%
(Small car) (Large car) 19,900 4,600 31,600 6,100 63% 75%
Maximum daily traffic 31,500 units/day 46,200 units/day 68%

2. Congestion situation

Number of traffic jams (Number of traffic jams over 10km includes traffic count over 30km)

2020 of experience ([1]) 2019 degree track record ([2]) Contrast [1] / [2]
Traffic congestion of 10 km or more 52 times 193 times 27%
Traffic congestion of 30 km or more0 times 7 times 0%
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