Implementation status of simultaneous inspections inside tunnels in NEXCO EAST ・ Status of tunnels where damage was confirmed

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  • Implementation status of simultaneous inspections inside tunnels in NEXCO EAST ・ Status of tunnels where damage was confirmed

Implementation status of simultaneous inspection

It looks like we have carried out a simultaneous inspection of heavy structures such as jet fans in the upper part of the tunnel.

[Examples of major heavy structures subject to this simultaneous inspection]

Jet fan inspection status North Kanto Expressway Karasawayama Castle Ruins Tunnel (In-bound line)

Large sign
Joshinetsu Expressway Komoro tunnel (Out-bound line)

Image of large sign Joshinetsu Komoro tunnel (Out-bound line)
Download large image [JPEG: 29KB]

Tunnel information board
Tokyo Bay Aqua Tunnel (In-bound line)

Image of tunnel information board Tokyo Bay Aqua Tunnel (In-bound line)
Download large image [JPEG: 24KB]

Condition of tunnel where damage was confirmed

We have confirmed damage to the anchor bolts of the lining concrete and the anchoring part, but neither of them is a hindrance to customers' travel. In addition, emergency measures are taken for damaged parts, and heavy structure fall prevention wires (fail safe measures) are installed to enhance safety.

Kan-Etsu Expressway Kanetsu Tunnel (In-bound line) 4 out of 16 anchor bolts for supporting bracket anchorage

Yokohama Yokosuka Road Ikeda Tunnel Hanging bracket anchoring part anchor bolt dropped out of 8

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