Traffic situation on Expressway during the Obon season (flash report) [NEXCO EAST Version]

12 days from Thursday, August 5, 2010 to Monday, August 16, 2010

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  • Traffic situation on Expressway during the Obon season (flash report) [NEXCO EAST Version]

August 17, 2010
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) has summarized the traffic conditions on Expressway during the Obon season.

[Summary of traffic conditions]

  • The number of times of traffic congestion of 10 km or more, 130 times, ▲39 times, 23% decrease compared to last year was. In addition, the number of traffic congestion over 30 km, Compared to 10 times last year, ▲15 times decreased by 60% was.
  • The maximum traffic length is 52.8km heading near the Mitokita Smart IC on Joban Expressway (Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture) around 18:40 on Saturday, August 14 in the In-bound direction was.
  • Compared to the Bon festival period of the previous year, the daily average cross-sectional traffic volume of the 22 main sections is Same level around big cities, 2% decrease in rural areas Did.
  • The actual traffic jam during the Bon Festival this year was below the traffic forecast. In the future, we will continue to carry out more detailed analysis to improve the accuracy as much as possible, and will make various efforts to prevent traffic congestion and provide information.

Traffic volume during one period

[Daily average traffic volume] Main sections of Expressway within NEXCO EAST (total of 22 locations)

Area classification (1) Year 22
H22.8.5 ~ 8.16
12 days average
(2) H21 year
H21.8.6 ~ 8.17
12 days average
(3) H20 years
H20.8.7 ~ 8.18
12 days average
Around the big city 103,800 units/day 104,000 units/day 96,400 units/day 100% 108%
Rural area 36,200 units/day 37,000 units/day 29,300 units / day 98% 124%
22 main sections
Simple average of the whole
45,500 units/day 46,200 units/day 38,500 units/day 98% 118%

In addition, the daily average traffic volume of the 22 main sections is Attachment 1 [PDF: 22KB] Please refer to the.

[Day of the week arrangement]

Day arrangement: H22 (8/7 (Sat), 8 (Sun), 14 (Sat), 15 (Sun)), H21 (8/6 (Thurs), 7 (Fri), 8 (Sat), 9 (Sun) ), 13 (Thurs), 14 (Fri), 15 (Sat), 16 (Sun))

2 congestion

[Number of traffic jams] (The number of traffic jams over 10km includes the number of traffic jams over 30km.)

Congestion length (1) 22 years
H22.8.5 ~ 8.16
(2) 21 years
H21.8.6 ~ 8.17
(3) H20 years
H20.8.7 ~ 8.18
H22 forecast
Traffic congestion of 10 km or more 130 times 169 times 85 times 77% 153% 168 times
Over 30km of traffic 10 times 25 times 9 times 40% 111% 16 times

[Traffic congestion points] Major traffic congestion points during the H22 Obon season

Vertical line worst Road name Traffic jam
Traffic jam location Congestion extension Congestion factors
Out-bound line (1) Tohoku Expressway Saturday, August 7
Around 9:40
Near Iwafune JCT 46.9km Traffic concentration
And accident
(2) Kan-Etsu Expressway Saturday, August 7
Around 8:50
Near Higashimatsuyama IC 38.3km Traffic concentration
And accident
(3) Tohoku Expressway Thursday, August 12
Around 9:10
Near Yaitakita PA 32.7km Traffic concentration
And accident
In-bound line (1) Joban Expressway Saturday, August 14
Around 18:40
Near Mitokita Smart IC 52.8 km Traffic concentration
And accident
(2) Joban Expressway Sunday, August 15
Around 18:40
Near Mitokita Smart IC 46.9km Traffic concentration
And accident
(3) Tohoku Expressway Sunday, August 15
Around 19:25
Near Kamikawachi SA 46.7km Traffic concentration
And accident

[Reference] Major traffic jams during the H21 Obon season

Vertical line worst Road name Traffic jam
Traffic jam location Congestion extension Congestion factors
Out-bound line (1) Tohoku Expressway Thursday, August 13
Around 4:15
Near Yaitakita PA 69.0 km Traffic concentration
And accident
(2) Tohoku Expressway Saturday, August 8
Around 9:15
Near Sano SA 51.6km Traffic concentration
And accident
(3) Tohoku Expressway Thursday, August 13
Around 11:10
Near Adata Tara SA 51.0 km Accident and
Traffic concentration
Kan-Etsu Expressway Thursday, August 13
Around 6:35
Near the Hanazono IC 51.0 km Traffic concentration
And accident
In-bound line (1) Tohoku Expressway Friday, August 14
Around 17:55
Near Yaita IC 48.4 km Traffic concentration
And accident
(2) Tohoku Expressway Thursday, August 13
Around 19:30
Near Kamikawachi SA 46.4km Accident and
Traffic concentration
(3) Kan-Etsu Expressway August 16 (Sun)
Around 19:00
Near Maebashi IC 45.0 km Traffic concentration
And accident
  • IC: Interchange, JCT: Junction, SA: Service area, PA: Parking area

Related press release materials
Expressway traffic during the Obon period (flash report)

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