Determined the duties of officers

June 28, 2010
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) had its directors and corporate auditors appointed at the 5th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held today. In addition to selecting full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the duties of directors were determined.

1 Director

Representative Director Chairman and President SatoTatsuo Sato (new)
Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer MurakamiKido (Murakami) (Reappointment)
Director and Managing Executive Officer OnishiToshio (Reappointment)
Director and Managing Executive Officer SaitoShinichi Saito (Reappointment)

2 Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Auditor (full-time) TanikawaKazuo Tanigawa (reappointment)
Auditor (full-time) South waveHironobu Namba (newly appointed)
Auditor KiyoharaKen (Kiyohara Ken) (new)

Representative Director and Chairman Jujiro Yagi and President and Chief Executive Officer Keiichi Inoue, Izumi Inoue and Atsushi Shimizu are the above-mentioned Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. I retired at the end of.

Duties of directors

Institution nameFull nameWork in charge
Representative Director Chairman and PresidentSato TatsuoGroup CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Director and Senior Managing Executive OfficerMurakami KidoChief Risk Officer (CRO)
In charge of business inspection room, general affairs department, information system department and public relations department
Managing Director and Senior Executive OfficerOnishi ToshioChief Technology Officer (CTO)
In charge of Engineering Department and Management Division
Managing Director and Senior Executive OfficerSaito ShinichiChief Financial Officer (CFO)
In charge of Accounting Department and Human Resources Department