Survey on material tests of polyethylene cylindrical tubes used for prestressed concrete bridges

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  • Survey on material tests of polyethylene cylindrical tubes used for prestressed concrete bridges

March 30, 2008
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.
West Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.

About the title, East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. ・Central Japan Expressway Co., Ltd.・Western Japan Expressway Co., Ltd. We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to confirm the following for companies other than Co., Ltd. (Yao City, Osaka Prefecture) at this time (as of 19:00 on March 30).

1 Press release “About the fabrication of material tests for polyethylene cylindrical tubes used in prestressed concrete bridges”
Regarding the one company under investigation in Note 1 (2), we have confirmed the following at the present time.

Company name (location)Confirmation status
Wex Japan Co., Ltd.
(Setagaya-ku, Tokyo)
  • Wex Japan Co., Ltd. prepared and submitted the test results by citing the test data of other manufacturing companies without conducting the test.
  • However, this company only sells the product, and the manufacturer's confirmation is not available at this time.
  • Continue the investigation.

2 Others The following deficiencies related to test results have been confirmed so far, and the following measures have already been taken.

Company name (location)Confirmation status
Totaku Industry Co., Ltd.
(Yodogawa Ward, Osaka City)
  • All four items (φ35, φ38, φ70, φ80) were tested after all 10 items were submitted and submitted, but five types (φ45, φ50, φ55, φ65, φ75) have "scraping resistance". The test items “adhesion performance test” were not carried out and only the test results of 8 items were submitted. In addition, it was confirmed that there were no problems by conducting tests for two items that were lacking at Tota Kogyo Co., Ltd.
  • In the description of the test factory, what was done at the Sennan Plant Factory in Osaka was submitted as the Kansai Rinku Factory.
  • Continue the investigation.

3 The other 5 companies will be announced as soon as they are confirmed.