Hokkaido's first convenience store opens in Nopporo PA

-To an "open area" that can be used from outside the Expressway

June 6, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Nex-area Company Limited

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Shigejiro Yagi), as part of the "building the foundation" and "making flowers" (*) in service areas and parking areas (SA/PA), the Do-O Expressway  At Nopporo PA (upper and lower lines), we will open the first convenience store "Seikomart" on the Hokkaido Expressway.

In addition, in order to realize an "open area", the PA will be the first SA/PA in NEXCO EAST to set up an entrance and parking lot for general roads for customers around the area.

  • Building a foundation: aiming to improve service levels at all locations and to meet (Standard) the customer's needs for "maximum common divisor"
    Flower making: Aiming to create unique stores (individualization) for each location according to local characteristics and location conditions

1. Opening date

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:00 am (open 24 hours)

2. place

Do-O Expressway Nopporo PA (upper and lower lines)
(In-bound: Sapporo direction)69-7 Nishinoboro, Ebetsu City, Hokkaido
(Ebetsushi nishinoro)
(Out-bound line: Asahikawa direction)36-2 Nishinoboro, Ebetsu City, Hokkaido
(Ebetsushi nishinoro)

3. Convenience store companies

Seicomart Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Sapporo)Image of Selcomart
*First store opened on Expressway SA/PA

Four. Features

  • You can use bank ATMs and various public utility storage services 24 hours a day.
  • Hot chefs (hot "Katsudon" and "handmade rice balls" cooked in the store) are also available.
  • We will set up an eat-in corner (13 seats) where you can enjoy the lunch you purchased on the spot.

Five. Opening event

  • Seiko Mart original box tissues will be presented to each of the first 700 people at both top and bottom lines.
  • Tape cutting will be performed by the people concerned from 10 am on the Out-bound line (toward Asahikawa).

6. Promotion of "open areas"

  • For the realization of an "open area" that can be used by passengers around the area from general roads (outside the Expressway), NEXCO EAST SA/PA will be the first SA/PA to install an entrance and parking lot for general roads ( *). Parking lots (9 cars) and bicycle parking lots will be installed on the Out-bound line (toward Asahikawa).
  • NEXCO EAST, we will continue to set up entrances and parking lots for general roads and promote the creation of "open areas".
  • Since it is different from the smart IC that connects to SA/PA, you cannot drive back and forth between Expressway and ordinary roads.