"Watch out! Expressway near-miss map" created

~Available on the website from May 11th~

May 11, 2007
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Shigejiro Yagi) has summarized accidents (hiyari) that occurred on Expressway in the business area in the past and summarized the points that you should pay particular attention to. We have created an "Expressway near-miss map" and have posted it on our website in line with the "Spring National Traffic Safety Campaign" starting Friday, May 11.

We would like to inform the drivers of the points and details of caution in advance so that they can be used for safe driving and the reduction of traffic accidents.

Screen expansion example

(1) Region selection

Image of region selection

(2) Region selection

Image of location selection

(3) Region selection

Image of location information