「NEXCO東日本 ドラ割×アコーディア・ゴルフ」がコラボした

~Applications start: Monday, March 17, 2025 at 14:00~


Image of the logos of NEXCO EAST and Accordia Golf Co., Ltd.

March 17, 2025
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Kanto Regional Head Office
Accordia Golf Co., Ltd.

 NEXCO東日本関東支社(埼玉県さいたま市)と、株式会社アコーディア・ゴルフ(東京都品川区。以下「アコーディア・ゴルフ」)は、ゴルフ場とセットでご利用いただくことで、2日間1,800円(普通車の場合)で南房総エリアの高速道路が乗り降りできる「NEXCO東日本 ドラ割×アコーディア・ゴルフ」南房総周遊セットプラン(以下「本プラン」)を実施しています。

 この機会にぜひ、「NEXCO東日本 ドラ割×アコーディア・ゴルフ」南房総周遊セットプランで高速道路をご利用いただき、南房総エリアの壮大な景観を満喫しながら、お得にゴルフをお楽しみください。

  • Please note that you will need to make a reservation for the golf course and apply for the Dorawari discount in advance, and that golf play fees and Expressway tolls are separate payments. Please see the official Accordia Golf website for information on play fees.
Image of Minami Boso tour set plan

Product Summary

Product name "NEXCO EAST Dorawari x Accordia Golf" Minamiboso Tour Set Plan
price Ordinary car: 1,800 yen/2 days Light car, etc.: 1,400 yen/2 days
  • This plan is for customers who use ETC.
Target vehicle type Ordinary cars, light cars, etc. (including motorcycles)
usage period 連続する最大2日間
  • If you start using the service on the day before the blackout date, it will only be valid for one day.
Application period Starts at 14:00 on Monday, March 17, 2020
Application method
  1. Please reserve your slot at the applicable golf courses on the official Accordia Golf website.
  2. ゴルフ場のご予約とは別に、高速道路をご利用になる前までにNEXCO東日本ホームページ「ドラぷら」から本プランをお申込みください。本プランお申込みの際に、ゴルフ場ご利用日やゴルフ場名及びポイントカード番号(ただし、ACCORDIA GOLFポイントのポイントカードを保有している場合)等の必要事項を入力してください。
    • Users of the golf course who have made the same reservation within a group will also need to apply from the application page for this plan when using this plan.
  3. Use the ETC card registered at the time of application to drive on Expressway in the Minami Boso area and arrive at the golf course you have reserved.
    • Please complete your golf course reservation and application for this plan before using Expressway.
  4. When you visit the golf course, please present the "Set Plan Coupon" screen listed in the application completion email at the reception desk. On the "Set Plan Coupon" screen, enter the special code provided by the golf course employee and make sure to confirm that the screen has been used.
    Please note that if the "Set Plan Coupon Screen" has not been used, Expressway tolls will be charged at the regular toll rate.
Target area Expressway in the Minamiboso area
An image of Expressway in the Minamiboso area
Target golf course 別紙【PDF:1.2MB】のとおり
  1. If you have an ACCORDIA GOLF point card, you will receive an additional 500 ACCORDIA GOLF points after using this plan and the golf course.
  2. Customers who use E-NEXCO pass (a credit card issued by NEXCO EAST) will receive 50 E-NEXCO points in addition to their regular points!
  • This plan will come into effect as soon as you have driven the course to which this plan applies and confirmed that you are using the golf course. If usage of the golf course cannot be confirmed, this plan will not apply.
  • This plan applies to groups using the golf course for competitions, etc., and also to users making the same reservation within the group.
  • Users of the golf course who have made the same reservation within a group will also need to apply from the application page for this plan when using this plan.
  • Depending on the area of use, day of the week, time of day, etc., it may be more expensive to use this plan.
  • This plan does not apply to customers who make reservations other than for play slots via any website other than Accordia Golf's official website.
  • If there are any changes to the details of your golf course reservation after applying for this plan, please cancel your application for this plan and apply for this plan again with the changed information.
  • 南房総周遊セットプランのお申込み後にACCORDIA GOLFポイントのポイントカード会員となった場合には南房総周遊セットプランのお申込み完了メールに記載のフォームからご利用情報の登録が必要です。
  • We are also selling a Minami Boso tour set plan that combines the Dorawari discount sold by NEXCO EAST and accommodations on the "DraPla Travel" plan. Please note that this plan is different from this one.
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