Open house regarding the progress of ground repair work
December 21 2024 Results
- Corporate Top
- Notice
- Important notice to customers
- Open House on the Status of Ground Repair Works Held 2024
東日本高速道路株式会社 関東支社 東京外環工事事務所
国土交通省 関東地方整備局 東京外かく環状国道事務所
中日本高速道路株式会社 東京支社 東京工事事務所
We would like to offer our sincere apologies to residents for the inconvenience and anxiety caused by the ground surface collapse and cavity accident that occurred during construction of the Tokyo Outer Circular Road (Kanetsu to Tomei) in 2020, as well as the vibrations and noise during tunnel construction.
Open house overview
(1-4-1 Higashi Tsutsujigaoka, Chofu City, Tokyo)
Opinions received at briefing sessions and emails, etc., and summary of responses

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