About new coronavirus infection of tollhouse employees

【E6 常磐自動車道 谷和原料金所】



 当該社員は、E6常磐自動車道 谷和原料金所(茨城県つくばみらい市)において、料金収受業務を行っていましたが、7月26日(月)以降は勤務しておらず、お客さまとの接触はありません。

1. 1. Status of the employee

Recognized as a close contact by the vacation health center
Monday, August 2
Visit a medical institution on vacation and carry out a PCR test
Tuesday, August 3
As a result of the test, it was found to be "positive", and he was being treated at home according to the instructions of the health center.

2. Close contact

As a result of confirmation with the public health center, there are no close contacts.

3. 3. Our group's response

In accordance with the guidelines for preventing new coronavirus infections, we will thoroughly implement masks, regular hand washing, gargling, disinfection of fingers, etc. during work, and if you feel tired, do not hesitate to take a vacation. We will continue to take necessary measures appropriately in cooperation with related organizations to prevent the Large new coronavirus infection, such as acquisition.

  • We ask for your understanding and consideration for respecting the human rights of the employee and his / her family and protecting personal information.

E6常磐自動車道 谷和原料金所 位置図
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