(7月3日 10:30時点)

令和3年7月 3日
東日本高速道路株式会社 関東支社


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Road name direction Closed section Start time Release time Cause
Self Solstice
E14 Tateyama Expressway Up and down 木更津JCT Futtsu Chuo IC 3:16~ rain
E14 Tateyama Expressway Up and down 木更津南JCT 木更津南IC 4:45~ rain
E14 Tateyama Expressway Up and down 木更津北IC 木更津JCT 8:47~ rain
E14 Tateyama Expressway Up and down 姉崎袖ケ浦IC Futtsu Chuo IC 10:20~ rain
C4 Ken-o Expressway Inside and outside 木更津JCT Kisarazu East IC 4:45~ rain
E16 Yokohama Yokosuka Road Up and down 朝比奈IC 逗子IC 7:51~ rain
E16 Yokohama Yokosuka Road Up and down 逗子IC 横須賀IC 8:16~ disaster
E16 Yokohama Yokosuka Road Up and down 横須賀IC 馬堀海岸IC 8:33~ rain
CA Tokyo Wan Aqua-Line Expressway connecting road Up and down 木更津JCT 袖ケ浦IC 8:47~ rain

Latest traffic conditions

Road traffic information available while driving

  • Road information board
  • Highway radio (AM1620kHz)
    The section being broadcast is guided by signs on the Expressway
  • Highway Information Terminal
    Wide-area road traffic information is provided on the monitor screens installed in SA / PA.

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