Sendaibu Sendai-Hokubu Road (Rifu Shirakashidai IC-Tomiya IC) emergency
About enforcement of night traffic

September 18, 2015
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Regional Head Office Furukawa Management Office

NEXCO EAST Furukawa Management Office (Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture) has a two-lane section (one lane on each side) between Sendai-Hokubu Road Rifu Shirakashidai Interchange (IC)-Tomiya IC and Tomiya Junction (JCT). Due to an emergency repair work on the embankment, we will carry out night traffic closures as follows.

In order to minimize the impact on traffic, we will carry out traffic closures at night when traffic volume decreases. Expressway This work is necessary to maintain a safe and comfortable environment. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1. Closed section

Sendaibu Sendai-Hokubu Road Rifu Shirahashidai IC-Tomiya IC (upper and lower lines)
Tomiya JCT lamp

2. Closed period

1 night on Friday, September 18, 2015

3. Closing time

From 19:00 to 4:00 the next day

4. Detour

Prefectural road 3 etc. Attachment-1 [PDF: 128KB]

Image of press room

5. Construction content

We will repair damaged embankments and drainage facilities.

6. Regarding transfer fare adjustment due to suspension of traffic

Attachment-2 [PDF: 114KB]

For passengers who leave the Expressway once due to a nighttime suspension and bypass the closed section and transfer again in the same direction, we will make a "transit adjustment" to adjust the toll according to the section used.

Tollgate where you can transfer

[From the Rifu Shiogama IC area]
Outflow IC:

Rifu Shirahashidai IC (Out-bound line), Rifu Shiogama IC (In-bound line)

Re-inflow IC:

Izumi IC (In-bound line), Izumi PA smart IC (In-bound line), Sendai Miyagi IC (In-bound line), Sendai Minami IC (In-bound line), Yamada IC (In-bound line), Yamato IC (Out-bound line), Daihoku IC (Out-bound line) Line), Sanbongi smart IC (Out-bound), Furukawa IC (Out-bound)

[From Sendai Kohoku IC area]
Outflow IC:

Rifu Shirakashidai IC (Out-bound), Sendai Kohoku IC (Out-bound)

Re-inflow IC:

Izumi IC (In-bound line), Izumi PA smart IC (In-bound line), Sendai Miyagi IC (In-bound line), Sendai Minami IC (In-bound line), Yamada IC (In-bound line), Yamato IC (Out-bound line), Daihoku IC (Out-bound line) Line), Sanbongi smart IC (Out-bound), Furukawa IC (Out-bound)

[From Izumi IC]
Outflow IC:

Izumi IC (Out-bound line), Izumi PA smart IC (Out-bound line), Sendai Miyagi IC (Out-bound line)

Re-inflow IC:

Rifu Shirahashidai IC (In-bound), Rifu Shiogama IC (Out-bound), Rifuchu IC (Out-bound), Sendai Kohoku IC (In-bound), Sendai Port IC (In-bound)

[From the Yamato IC area]
Outflow IC:

Daiwa IC (In-bound line), Ohira IC (In-bound line)

Re-inflow IC:

Rifu Shirahashidai IC (In-bound), Rifu Shiogama IC (Out-bound), Rifuchu IC (Out-bound), Sendai Kohoku IC (In-bound), Sendai Port IC (In-bound)

7. Information provision

Although it will be light rain, it will be postponed if there is a possibility of heavy rain and strong wind.
As soon as the construction is completed, the road closure will be canceled earlier than planned.

[Customer contact]
  • NEXCO東日本お客さまセンター(24時間オペレーターが対応します。)
  • ハイウェイテレホン(24時間音声案内)
    仙台局 022-711-1620
  • (公財)日本道路交通情報センター
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