NEXCO EAST Corporate Public Relations "#HighwayRunners"
Awarded at the 14th Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition!

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March 19, 2025
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

NEXCO EAST 's corporate PR campaign "#HighwayRunners" won the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association Chairman's Award in the 3rd category of the 14th Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition. The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition is sponsored by the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, and with the mission of creating beautiful Tokyo scenery, it awards works of excellent design that harmonize with the scenery.

Photo of winning the "14th Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition, Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association Chairman's Award"
Photos from NEXCO EAST 's corporate PR campaign "#HighwayRunners"

Project overview

NEXCO EAST ran a corporate PR campaign, "#HighSpeedRunners," from 2024 August 19 to August 25 on the street vision on the second basement floor of Shibuya Station. Expressway The theme was the relationship between #HighSpeedRunners and logistics, with "running ingredients" representing the many fresh foods we eat every day that are transported through Expressway.
For more information on the project, please click here.

About the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition

 Please visit the website of the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association (Public Interest Incorporated Association).

Exhibition of the winning works





東京商工会議所1階 多目的スペース
(東京都千代田区丸の内3-3-2 丸の内二重橋ビル)

In addition, photos and videos are also available on our YouTube channel "E-NEXCO driveplaza" and the website of the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association, a public interest incorporated association, so please take a look.

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