Notice regarding revision of calculation standards

April 1, 2020
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.

At East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd., we are pleased to inform you that we have revised the integration standards.

Outline of revision on April 1, 2020

    [Facility construction cost standard]

  • Construction work
  • Telecommunications construction
  • Machine work
  • Revision of the correction coefficient associated with the revision of the upper limit of prepayment

    [Common specifications]

  • Revision of construction contract contract
  • Revision of investigation contract contract


For an outline of the revision of the accumulation standard in April 2019, see " Here Please see.
2019 The degree accumulation standard is viewed by our company (Head office, Regional Head Office for each), so please check there until the book sales period.
For the common specifications revised in April 2013, see " Here Please see.
(Reference) Standard For changes to the contract, please refer to Here "please look at.