Cancellation of successful bid decision

September 30, 2008
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Hokkaido Regional Head Office

NEXCO EAST Hokkaido Regional Head Office (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Regional Head Office length: Hiromi Yamamoto) in, let you know that it has canceled the contract award of the following construction.

This time, in the bid procedure for "Hokkaido Transverse Expressway Roadside IC-Yakumo IC Road Lighting Equipment Construction" ordered by our Regional Head Office Hakodate Construction Office, It was found that the bid was mistakenly accepted and the bid was executed after the successful bid was decided.

Our Regional Head Office canceled the bid decision for this construction due to an error in this bidding procedure.

We regret that there was such an incorrect bidding procedure, and we deeply apologize to the successful bidders, bid participants, and related parties.

Our Regional Head Office will make every effort to prevent recurrence and ensure that bids are conducted properly and fairly.

Regarding this construction, a bid will be announced later.

1 Construction name

Hokkaido Transit Expressway Road lighting equipment construction between Ochibe IC and Yakumo IC

2 Ordering organization

East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Ltd.Hokkaido Regional Head Office Hakodate Construction Office

3 Contract method

Conditional open competitive bidding/Comprehensive evaluation auction method (construction result evaluation type)

4 Construction overview

This construction is to newly install road lighting equipment and a self-luminous snow pole between Hokkaido IC and Yakumo IC. is there.

5 Date until bidding

Tender announcement date:
August 1, 2008
Bid date:
September 24, 2008

Hokkaido Regional Head Office Engineering Department Procurement Contract Section
TEL (direct communication) 011-896-5777