北陸自動車道 能生トンネルにおける火災検知器の誤作動について

January 31, 2017
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.
Niigata Regional Head Office


1 Event

 今回の事象は、北陸自動車道上り線 名立谷浜IC~能生IC間にある能生トンネルにて火災検知器の自動通報発報が発生し、トンネル内進入禁止措置を上下線で午前4時16分~52分の36分間、実施したものです。

As a result of checking the site, there was no fire and it was determined to be a malfunction.

This has caused many customers an inconvenience.

2 Future action

We are currently conducting a detailed investigation into the cause of the malfunction of the fire detector that caused the malfunction, and will take appropriate measures as soon as the cause is identified.