Holding result (2016) of business evaluation monitoring committee
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- Holding result (2016) of business evaluation monitoring committee
December 19, 2016
The 2016 East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Business Evaluation and Monitoring Committee was held.
event date
Monday, December 19, 2016 15:00 to 17:00
Deliberation of two business reevaluation projects
Committee materials
- Agenda, committee list, attendee list [PDF: 84KB]
- Document 1 (List of projects subject to business evaluation in 2016 and selection of “important” deliberation items in business re-evaluation) [PDF: 1.2MB]
- Document 2-1 (Hokkaido Transverse Expressway Nemuro Line (Yoichi-Otaru JCT)) [PDF: 6.8MB]
- Document 2-2 (Tohoku-Chuo Expressway Soma Obanazawa Line (Nanyo Takahata-Yamagata Kamiyama)) [PDF: 12.2MB]
- Document 3 (About the deliberation result of the project related to the increase in the number of lanes in the provisional section of the expressway) [PDF: 3.5MB]
- Document 4 (About the results of delegation / joint deliberation of complex projects) [PDF: 2.5MB]
- The proceedings summary [PDF: 106KB]

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