Occurrence of reverse running on Expressway

出典:第7回 高速道路での逆走対策に関する有識者委員会 配布資料

01 Occurrence of reverse event

<Trends in the number of cases of reverse run and their locations>

  • The location of occurrence is classified by the reverse running start point
Trends in the number of backtracking incidents and images of their occurrence



データ:2015年~2023年の高速道路(国土交通省及び高速道路会社管理)における事故または確保に至った逆走事案 N=1879

Source: Created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Expressway Company with the cooperation of the police

02 Occurrence situation of reverse running accident

<Trends in the number of reverse accidents and accident types>

Image of changes in the number of reverse accidents and accident types





データ:2015年~2023年の高速道路(国土交通省及び高速道路会社管理)における事故に至った逆走事案 N=377

Source: Created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Expressway Company with the cooperation of the police

03 Occurrence of reverse running cases by motive

<Trends in the number of reverse running cases by motive>

Image of changes in the number of cases of reverse running cases by motive

データ:2015年~2023年の高速道路(国土交通省及び高速道路会社管理)における事故に至った逆走事案 N=1879

Source: Created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Expressway Company with the cooperation of the police



データ:2023年の高速道路(国土交通省及び高速道路会社管理)における事故または確保に至った逆走事案 N=224

Source: Created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Expressway Company with the cooperation of the police
