Greetings from the representative
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- Company information
- Greetings from the representative

The NEXCO EAST Group is engaged in Expressway business, service area business, and Expressway related business from north of Kanto to Hokkaido, including parts of Niigata and Nagano prefectures.
The Expressway managed and operated by the Group is approximately 3,950 km and is used by approximately 2.74 million passengers per day. As a group of Expressway professionals, the Group, which is responsible for the public infrastructure business, has a social mission of "delivering safe, secure, comfortable, and convenient Expressway services."
The socio-economic situation in Japan and overseas is changing drastically due to the recent corona disaster, frequent and intensifying natural disasters, the trend toward decarbonization society, and the progress of digital technology. We believe that it is necessary to respond to such changes.
In order to respond to this change, we have formulated a medium-term management plan that covers the five years from Reiwa 3 and positioned this term as "a period that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs and transforms toward a new future society." We are doing it.
Based on this medium-term management plan, we carry out a wide range of operations such as management, construction business, technology development, environmental measures, overseas, service areas, and new businesses.
Specifically, we will promote renewal projects for Expressway that are aging more and more in the future, respond to natural disasters such as heavy snowfall, eliminate missing links that contribute to the revitalization of local communities, 4-lane projects, and service areas.・ We are working to improve the attractiveness of parking areas and to support an autonomous driving society toward the realization of next-generation Expressway. Underpinning all of this is the idea of "putting the customer first" while "prioritizing safety".
The NEXCO EAST Group will steadily fulfill its social mission, meet everyone's expectations for Expressway, and value connections with the local community while working to create a sustainable society.
We look forward to your continued understanding and support.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Fumihiko Yuki