Ken-o Expressway "Tsukuba Central IC-Tsukuba JCT" opening commemoration

Comfortable feeling! Trial campaign

1 Implementation details

In addition to the usual ETC mileage points, customers who use the newly opened Ken-o Expressway Tsukuba Chuo IC-Tsukuba JCT with ETC and travel on the designated section will have 5 points ( Each time you use it) you will receive a gift.

ETC mileage service will be free for 8,000 yen if you exchange up to 1,000 points. This time, 5 points is equivalent to 40 yen, so if you use a regular car from Tsukuba Central IC to Tsukuba Ushiku IC (normal price 200 yen), 9 points (= normal 4 points + campaign 5) Points) will be awarded. This is equivalent to 36% of the fare, as it is a free pass for 72 yen.

2 Implementation period

37 days from Saturday, April 24, 2010 to Sunday, May 30, 2010

Campaign target section Joban Expressway: Misato JCT-North Ibaraki, Ken-O Road: Tsukuba Central-Inashiki, Higashi-Kanto Expressway: Ibarakicho JCT-Ibaraki Airport North, Kita-Kanto Expressway: Tsuga Image image of Hitachinaka (including Hitachinaka main line)

  • If that is the outflow or inflow in the "Tsukuba Central IC", Joban Expressway "Misato Tokyo Outer Ring Road or the capital of the south side than the main line toll booth" Expressway from the Expressway will be subject Even if you use that has been flowing into or out of the ..

3 Usage segments covered by this campaign

It is limited to getting on and off the IC including the above new opening section.

○ Misato JCT⇔Tsukuba Chuo IC...
× Kanuma IC ⇔ Tsukuba Chuo IC...Driving sections not covered by this campaign

Example of points to be attached with one use

Example: Number of points when using a regular car from Misato JCT to Tsukuba Chuo IC

Charge category Toll
(Standard-sized car)
Normal point
This campaign point
Total points
(1) + (2)
Regular fee 1,350 yen 27 points 5 points 32 points
(Equivalent to free traffic of up to 256 yen)
  • Calculation is based on "8 yen per point" when 1,000 points are exchanged for free traffic for 8,000 yen.

4 Notes on use

  • 本キャンペーンは、ETCマイレージサービスにご登録いただいているお客さまが対象です。(ETCマイレージサービスのご利用には、事前のご登録が必要です。)
    ETCマイレージサービスの登録は、インターネットまたは郵送で登録する事ができます。詳しくは、ホームページ(をご覧いただくか、ETCマイレージサービス事務局(ナビダイヤル:0570-010125 携帯電話等:045-477-3793 受付:平日9:00~21:00 土日祝日:9:00~18:00)へお問い合わせください。
  • The dates covered by this campaign will be determined by the date of passing the exit toll booth.
  • Please note that payments from ETC mileage service refunds (for free traffic) and advance payments (balances) from the "Hiker/Advance payment" balance management service are not eligible for this campaign.

To the text of the press release
